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The Implementation Of Sharia Marketing Communication In The Muslim Fashion E-Commerce In Indonesia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Melly Maulin Purwaningwulan, S.Sos., M.Si

This research aimed to analyze the implementation of muamalah provisions based on Islamic law in Muslim fashion e-commerce. The case study method was utilized to achieve the objective. The theoretical approach used is marketing communication management in Islam. The research was conducted at HIJUP.COM, the first and largest Muslim fashion e-commerce in Indonesia. The data collection techniques used in this study were written documentation, digital data archive records, in-depth and focused interviews, participant observation, physical devices, and literature study. Seven informants consisted of experts and practitioners of e-commerce, sharia marketing communication, and religious leaders selected through a purposive sampling technique. The results proved that e-commerce transactions followed the general selling and purchasing contract in Islamic law. Ideally, the implementation process includes four characteristics of sharia marketing, that is Theistic (Al-Rabbaniyah), Ethical (Al-Akhlaqiyah), Realistic (Al-Waqiah), and Humanistic (Al-Insaniyah). Obstacles in implementing sharia marketing communication included the low level of understanding and kaffah and the creative processes that must be smarter because it includes two dimensions, business and the hereafter.
Nama Jurnal

Jurnal Penelitian Komunikasi
Volume 24 Nomor 1



Effect Of Good Corporate Governance Audit Quality Management And Earnings As A Moderating Variable

Assoc. Prof. Wati Aris Astuti, S.E., M.Si,. Ak., CA.

The purpose of this study to determine the quality of audits in industry companies related to institutional ownership, managerial ownership, independent board, the size of independent commissioner board and audit committee. And also, how earnings management moderate' institutional ownership, managerial ownership, independent commissioner board, the size of the independent commissioner board and the audit committee on audit quality. The design or method in this study uses univariate and multivariate (regression) methods to determine the relationship between good corporate governance and audit quality and earnings management moderation. Population and samples from the Financial Statements of 105 industrial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, 2015-2019. The presented findings show that earnings management does not strengthen or weaken good corporate governance on audit quality.
Nama Jurnal

Finance, Accounting and Business Analysis
Volume 3 Nomor 1




Analisis Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsiability Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Di Sektor Property Dan Real Estate

Assoc. Prof. Wati Aris Astuti, S.E., M.Si,. Ak., CA.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) terhadap Nilai Perusahaan pada perusahaan property dan real estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif verifikatif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling dengan kriteria-kriteria tertentu. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan regresi linear dan koefisien determinan (R2). Berdasarkan hasil uji yang dilakukan, bahwa Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan pada perusahaan property dan real estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) sebesar 60% dan sisanya sebesar 40% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak dibahas dalam penelitian ini.
Nama Jurnal

Jurnal Riset Akuntansi
Volume 13 Nomor 2





Tanggapan Mengenai Media Interaktif Dota Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Shokyuu Dokkai

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soni Mulyawan Setiana, S.Pd, M.Pd Anisa Arianingsih, S.Pd, M.Pd

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tanggapan responden terhadap media DoTa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Media ini berisi teks bacaan yang ada pada buku Minna no Nihongo Shokyuu II yang dipakai sebagai buku acuan pembelajaran Dokkai mahasiswa tingkat dua tahun akademik 2019/2020 di Program Studi Sastra Jepang Universitas Komputer Indonesia dengan menambahkan beberapa fitur sehingga dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi media yang membantu dan mempermudah dalam pengajaran Shokyuu Dokkai serta menjadi alternatif dalam pembelajaran Dokkai. Pembuatan media interaktif DoTa menggunakan Corel Draw 2019 sebagai software pendukung dalam pembuatan desain, dan Adobe Flash CS6 sebagai software dalam memproses seluruh desain dan gagasan sehingga menjadi sebuah media interaktif. Temuan pada penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden setuju dengan keseluruhan pertanyaan yang terdapat pada kuesioner terkait tanggapan media interaktif DoTa sebagai media pembelajaran dokkai.
Nama Jurnal

Volume 1 Nomor 1




Metafora Dan Imaginasi Pada Literatur Anak

Dr. Retno Purwani Sari, S.S., M.Hum.

Pada literatur anak, metafora berfungsi menggambarkan perspektif penulis dan membantu pembaca memahami suatu kejadian atau suatu keadaan. Fokus studi ini adalah peran metafora dalam memotivasi perkembangan kematangan moralitas pembaca secara persuasif melalui imaginasi. Pendekatan stilistika pragmatik digunakan untuk menjelaskan peran metafora pada literatur anak. Metode kualitatif deskriptif analitis diterapkan untuk memberikan acuan tahapan penelitian; mengaplikasikan teknik baca, simak dan catat dalam pengambilan data, serta teknik pendeskripsian pada analisis data. Adapun luaran dari studi ini adalah metafora mati dan metafora hidup menstimulasi imaginasi pembaca dalam proses interpretasi teks literatur guna menambah pengetahuan pembaca. Imaginasi berpartisipasi dalam pembaharuan representasi mental pembaca atas dunia sekitar.
Nama Jurnal

Volume 6 Nomor 3




The Lost Oedipal Stage Of Humbert Humbert In Noboko'S Lolita

Dr. Nungki Heriyati, S.S.,M.A

This paper analyses the lost oedipal stage of Humbert in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita. It aims to discover the main character's motivation behind his sexual disorder and the inner conflicts of his psyche, in response to Humbert not experiencing the oedipal stage in his early years. The oedipal stage is a crucial development stage of a human being, and Humbert's inexperience causes him to be unable to express his desires as an infant boy towards his mother resulting in his psyche developing abnormally. Humbert is considered a hebephiliac for his sexual attraction towards young girls due to the loss of maternal figure at the age of three. Thus, psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund Freud is used in order to analyse the impact of Humbert's lost oedipal stage to his adult psyche by applying the tripartite theory. The data are collected using qualitative descriptive method, represented in direct quotes from the book. The paper reveals that Humbert's lost oedipal stage holds a vital role in developing his sexuality in adult life. He only received a strong affection and love when he was thirteen, from Annabel that aged no older than fourteen. He has been holding on to the moment, in which he was able to express his desires as his id, and is unable to let it go even after Annabel's decease, as his id was not fully fulfilled. This causes him a traumatic experience, leading to his sexual disorder which is developed further once he met Dolores Haze as Lolita.
Nama Jurnal

MAHADAYA Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya
Volume 1 Nomor 1




Tanggapan Responden Terhadap Media Pembelajaran Alternatif Katagana

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soni Mulyawan Setiana, S.Pd, M.Pd

This study aims to determine how the production and results of respondents to Katagana media as an alternative media for Japanese language learning at SMA Kartika XIX-1. Katagana media was created using Adobe Flash Professional CS6 software using the ActionScript 2 programming language. The material contained in the katagana media comes from the Sakura Vol2 book which is used as a Japanese learning book for class XI at SMA Kartika XIX-1. This study uses the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The results of the respondents' responses were obtained based on a questionnaire distributed to 20 class XI students of SMA Kartika XIX-1. Based on the calculation of the questionnaire, the results obtained were 75,1% agree that Katagana alternative media can help Japanese language lessons. The results of the study are expected to increase students' interest and motivation in learning Japanese to be more effective and efficient.
Nama Jurnal

Volume 1 Nomor 1




Penghindaran Pajak Yang Dipengaruhi Oleh Komite Audit Dan Ukuran Perusahaan

Angky Febriansyah, SE.,MM.

Penghindaran pajak merupakan salah satu strategi perusahaan untuk mengurangi beban pajak pada hukum dengan memanfaatkan kelemahan peraturan perpajakan yang ada. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi penghindaran pajak adalah audit dan ukuran perusahaan. Merupakan fenomena dimana PT. Adaro Energy Tbk diindikasikan untuk menghindari pajak dengan menjual batubara dengan harga rendah kepada anak perusahaannya di Singapore Coaltrade Service International untuk dijual kembali dengan harga tinggi, sehingga meningkatkan pembayaran pajak yang lebih rendah ke Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh pemeriksaan terhadap penghindaran pajak dan pengaruh ukuran perusahaan terhadap penghindaran pajak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif verifikatif dengan diskusi kuantitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji asumsi klasik (uji normalitas, uji heteroskedastisitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji autokorelasi) dan regresi linier berganda. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah SPSS versi 20. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya audit dan ukuran perusahaan yang positif terhadap penghindaran pajak yang dilakukan pada perusahaan sektor pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2016-2018.
Nama Jurnal

Jurnal Riset Akuntansi
Volume 13 Nomor 2




Rancangan Media Haiku No Hajimari Sebagai Media Alternatif Pembelajaran Nihon Bunkashakai Nyuumon

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soni Mulyawan Setiana, S.Pd, M.Pd

This study aims to determine the design of the Haiku No Hajimari media application as an alternative media in learning Nihon Bunkashakai Nyuumon. This media was created using the Thunkable application. The method used in this research is the ADDIE model development method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). This media discusses the development of haikai starting from the Premodern era. In this discussion, there is an explanation of the Haiku No Hajimari media, starting from the design of the opening display to the credit menu. This media is designed to help students who are taking Nihon Bunkashakai Nyuumon courses in understanding Haiku material. The material in this media is taken from the book History of Japanese Literature written by Isoji Asoo, et al. The conclusion of this study is that the design of the Haiku No Hajimari media application has been successfully carried out and can run smoothly.
Nama Jurnal

Volume 1 Nomor 2




Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Jepang Tingkat Dasar Dengan Menggunakan Media Riddle Goi

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soni Mulyawan Setiana, S.Pd, M.Pd

This study aims to find out how to make Riddle Goi media. This study uses the ADDIE method. This media contains Japanese and Indonesian vocabulary sentences contained in the book Easy and Practical Success Tips for Reaching N5, in this media there are also exercises that can be used to practice memorized vocabulary. Making Riddle Goi media using Adobe Flash CS6 as software in the manufacturing process. The results of this study will produce Riddle Goi learning media for learning Japanese vocabulary. The author hopes that this application can make it easier for people to learn or memorize Japanese vocabulary.
Nama Jurnal

Volume 1 Nomor 2


