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Estimasi Kecepatan Multi Objek Kendaraan Menggunakan Metode Vanishing Point

Taufiq Nuzwir Nizar, M.Kom, M.T

An increase in the number of vehicles occurs in all vehicle types annually. This will cause congestion that has a negative impact. The congestion can be reduced by doing traffic engineering. The built system can retrieve traffic condition data such as the number and speed of vehicles using camera and image processing. By utilizing vanishing points, an image that has a perspective distortion can be rectified. By calculating the vehicle movement distance of each frame in the rectified image, the vehicle speed can be detected. The estimated speed of the vehicle by the system compared with direct observations has a difference of 8.22 km / hour.
Nama Jurnal

Volume 7 Nomor 1




The Design Of Resistivity Tool For Subsurface Based On Microcontroller

Selvia Lorena Br Ginting, S.Si., M.T Assoc. Prof. John Adler, S.Si, M.Si

The objective of this research was to detect groundwater, to provide information of subsurface structures, and to determine the thickness of each layer. Geoelectric method used is the resistivity method. Where the subsurface material resistivity data is obtained by injecting an electric current from the earth's surface below the surface, its current and potential are measured on the earth's surface. The data recording technique used sounding method (1D), which we measure data below the measurement point. The electrode configuration was a Wenner configuration in which the distance of the electrode at the ground surface has the same distance. With a laboratory test unit using a container made of glass 100x10x40 cm3 which contains clay, sand, and water. Due to the complexity of subsurface materials, IPI2Win as data processing software resistivity. From data processing, it can be seen that there were three layers of subsurface material with successive thicknesses of clay (4 cm), sand (12 cm), and water (8 cm). It can be concluded that the tool is able to detect the number of subsurface layers and the thickness of each layer. It could also determine the difference of the type resistivity of each layer type detected.
Nama Jurnal

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 407 Nomor 1



Lampu Led Emergency

Sutono, M.Kom.

Lampu LED Emergency merupakan sebuah lampu yang dapat menyala ketika gelap dan terdapat objek (manusia) yang mendekati lampu. Dengan menggunakan Lampu LED Emergency ini maka aktivitas yang memerlukan bantuan cahaya lampu tidak terhambat hanya dikarenakan pemadaman kistrik oleh PLN yang membuat lampu mati seketika. Lampu LED Emergency dilengkapi sensor cahaya dan ultrasonik yang mendeteksi kondisi intensitas cahaya dan keberadaan objek disekitar lampu.
Nama Jurnal

Majalah Ilmiah UNIKOM
Volume 16 Nomor 1




Kepemimpinan Transformasional Dan Komunikasi Organisasi Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan'

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Isniar Budiarti, S.E., M.Si.

Nama Jurnal

Economic Education conference of Pasundan.
Volume - Nomor -



