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Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Kasir Pencetak Struk Belanja Kode Quick Response Berbasis Website Dan Android

Dr. Hidayat, S.Kom., MT.

Paper ini memaparkan tentang rancang bangun sebuah aplikasi kasir pencetak struk belanja sebagai bukti transaksi dalam bentuk kode Quick Response (QR) guna mengatasi penggunaan kertas struk yang panjang apabila jumlah produk pada transaksi penjualan sangat banyak. Struk belanja dalam bentuk kode QR akan meringkas ukuran struk belanja berapapun jumlah produk dalam transaksi. Tahapan perancangan aplikasi menggunakan metode waterfall yang diawali dengan menganalisa kebutuhan sistem yang akan dibangun, melakukan perancangan, mengimplementasikan rancangan, dan tahapan pengujian. Aplikasi yang dibangun menggunakan platform website untuk memasukkan data pengguna, data produk dan mengolah data transaksi serta menghasilkan kode QR untuk sebuah transaksi. MySQL digunakan database untuk menyimpan data tersebut. Kode QR yang dihasilkan oleh aplikasi akan dicetak melalui printer termal. Selanjutnya, platform android digunakan untuk aplikasi yang dapat memindai kode QR struk belanja dan menampilkan rincian transaksi produk yang dimuat dalam kode QR tersebut. Hasil pengujian memperlihatkan bahwa aplikasi yang dibangun dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Aplikasi pada website dapat mengolah data dan menghasilkan kode QR transaksi. Kemudian, aplikasi Scanner QR code yang terpasang pada telepon seluler dapat memindai kode QR dan menampilkan rincian transaksi produk melalui layar telepon seluler.
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Information System
Volume 5 Nomor 2



Rancang Bangun Penghitung Indeks Massa Tubuh Elektronik Berbasis Mikrokontroler Dan Android

Dr. Hidayat, S.Kom., MT.

Nama Jurnal

NJCA (Nusantara Journal of Computers and Its Applications)
Volume 5 Nomor 1





Performances Of Fuzzy Algorithm And Wireless Sensor Networks For Outdoor Localization In Flood Alert System Technology

Sri Supatmi, S.Kom.,M.T., D.Sc Irfan Dwiguna Sumitra, S.Kom., M.Kom. Ph.D

This paper purpose to enhance the performance of fuzzy logic and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in flood alert disasters. Therefore, there is a need for the establishment of a flood WSNs devices to gain accuracy of the flood forecasting that produces warnings as accurately and as far ahead as possible. Through developing method to determine flood forecasting models associated with the WSNs in the outdoor localization of environments such as river, basin, or lake in order to detect the height water level and velocity water, one should take actual data daily. The initial forecasting models are capable of determines the central location to spread the flood WSNs. The factors that would leverage the height's water are population density of people living near the prone area, watershed, land slope, altitude, and rainfall. Considering the outdoor localization with utilized the outstanding of GPS within localized the object in a large area. For instance, to detect the WSNs devices in a harmful situation. Beforehand by first assess the area with the fuzzy logic system. Keywords: Flood alert, Fuzzy logic, Outdoor localization, Performances, Wireless sensor network.
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC)
Volume 2020 Nomor -




How Intelectual Capital Afefect Innovation Ability? Preliminary Studi Listed Company In Indonesia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Isniar Budiarti, S.E., M.Si.

Nama Jurnal

AdBispreneur: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Administrasi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan
Volume 0 Nomor -





Enhanced The Weighted Centroid Localization Algorithm Based On Received Strength Signal In Indoor Wireless Sensor Network

Sri Supatmi, S.Kom.,M.T., D.Sc Irfan Dwiguna Sumitra, S.Kom., M.Kom. Ph.D

A challenging problem that arises in the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is localization. It is essential for applications that need information about target positions, are inside an indoor environment. The Localization scheme presented in this experiment consists of four anchor nodes that change their position coordinates and one target node that is used to control the distance. The Localization algorithm designed in this paper makes use of the combination of two algorithms; the Received Strength Signal Indication (RSSI) and Weight Centroid Localization Algorithm (WCLA), called the RSSI-WCLA algorithm. The laboratory results show that the fusion between the RSSI-WCLA algorithm is outstanding than RSSI and WCLA algorithms itself in terms of localization accuracy. However, our proposed algorithm shows that the maximum error distance is less than 0.096m.
Nama Jurnal

International Journal of Informatics, Information System and Computer Engineering (INJIISCOM)
Volume 1 Nomor 1


