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Peran Komunikasi Keluarga Dalam Penyiapan Kehidupan Berkeluarga Bagi Remaja Untuk Mencegah Maslah Gizi Pada Balita (Stunting)

Olih Solihin, S.Sos., M.I.Kom

The family development program is one part of the Bangga Kencana Program, implemented as an effort to realize quality families living in a healthy environment. Adolescents as a bride-to-be become the focus of family development and stunting programs need to be prepared to live a family life in an effort to prevent stunting. This study aims to analyze the role of family communication and the efforts that have been made in family life preparation for adolescents to prevent stunting. This study uses a qualitative approach using content analysis techniques towards available documents. Findings on the role of family communication in family life preparation for adolescents to prevent stunting are very important for family development through the role of the family as a communication system and the role of parents in building intimate relationships with family members. So it is recommended to apply a family communication approach in family life preparation for adolescents to prevent stunting, by emphasizing the role of the family as a communication system. This study has limitations on the number of documents in the content analysis, so for further study it is recommended to increase the number of documents.
Nama Jurnal

Volume 10 Nomor 2





Mobile Application Design For Digital Marketing And Management Of Horticultural Crops

Dr. Senny Luckyardi, M.M.

The agricultural sector is one of the influential sectors that contribute significantly to the economy of many Indonesians. Ironically, farmers, asthe main actors in this sector,do not yet have good welfare. This condition also occurs in Garut Regency as the mostsignificant contributor to the GDP of West Java Province due to the marketing and management system for horticultural crops has not been integrated. Therefore, mobile-based applications to improve crop management and as a digital marketing media is hoped to increase the competitiveness of superior horticultural products in the Garut district. This research was conducted through a field survey and interview of 30 farmersin the subdistricts of Cigedug and Bayongbong and representatives of employees at the Agriculture Office of Garut Regency. Secondary data in crop production reports, production maps, agricultural machinery, and others were used to support the primary data. Interview results indicate that agricultural production and marketing of horticultural products in Garut Regency are still carried out conventionally. It makes the farmers' access to various information and markets very limited. Therefore, this study aims to design a mobile-based Marketing Information System and assist plant maintenance and plant marketing in an integrated manner. In addition, a Prototype wasused as the system development method. This study can help farmers market their agricultural commodities and determine the Agriculture Office of Garut Regency policies
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Volume 17 Nomor 1





Agricultural Entrepreneurial Strategy During The Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study Of Garut, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, MT Dr. Senny Luckyardi, M.M. Prof. Dr. Lia Warlina, M.Si, Ir Sri Supatmi, S.Kom.,M.T., D.Sc

This study aims at proposing a business strategy to maintain the agricultural sector in Garut Regency during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Regardless of the fact that all sectors need special strategies to survive during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are still limited studies focusing on entrepreneurship strategies in the agriculture sector. The method used in this research was descriptive-qualitative case study. Observations were made for a period of one year from October 2019 to October 2020 to observe the resilience of the agricultural sector in Garut district, Indonesia. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the agricultural sector of Garut Regency used a closed-loop strategy, namely by establishing cooperation between farmers and the industrial as well as retail sectors. To support this strategy, a supporting strategy that considers internal and external factors in the agricultural sector is needed. This study uses SWOT analysis to determine important aspects. Based on the identified factors, various strategies were obtained to strengthen the economic structure of farmers. As a result, farmers are expected to increase production and welfare as well as can become a momentum for strengthening national food independence. This research can be used as a reference for other researchers in their research and add insight.
Nama Jurnal

Volume 9 Nomor 1



Computational Analysis Of Waste Management And Entrepreneur Using Vosviewer Application

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, MT Dr. Senny Luckyardi, M.M.

This study aims at analyzing waste management and its relationship with entrepreneurs through research mapping analysis using the VOSviewer application. This research method used descriptive analysis with a bibliometric quantitative approach based on research terms. The research data obtained is based on search results through Google Scholar by using Publish or Perish software with "Waste Management and Entrepreneur" as the keywords. From the data generated in the last five years (2017-2022), 997 scientific articles were obtained. The study results show that research regarding the "Waste Management and Entrepreneurs" topic in the range of 2018-2019 is numerous. However, the trend of research on this topic began to decline in the following years. In conclusion, research with the "Waste Management and Entrepreneur" topic is currently still a relevant field of research to be studied and it is not a research field that has been widely discussed. Therefore, this research is expected to be a reference for researchers in determining the research topic to be studied.
Nama Jurnal

Moroccan Journal of Chemistry
Volume 10 Nomor 3



Dampak Sex Roles Stereotypes Dan Gender Stereotyping Dalam Relasi Gender Keluarga

Olih Solihin, S.Sos., M.I.Kom

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dampak stereotip peran seks dan stereotip gender dalam relasi gender pada keluarga generasi X, Y, Z dan Boomer dalam perspektif teori alam, budaya, dan agama terhadap upaya mewujudkan pengarusutamaan gender (PUG). ). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan studi pustaka sebagai sumber utama data penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam kaitannya dengan teori fitrah, budaya dan pandangan agama Islam mengenai gender, Generasi Y dan Z yang lahir di era teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, memiliki karakter yang menyerupai karakter teknologi itu sendiri, generasi ini menyukai kesederhanaan. aturan hidup, lebih terbuka dan transparan. Sementara itu, Generasi X dan generasi boomer lebih kaku dari generasi-generasi berikutnya. Dalam generasi relasi gender dalam keluarga, laki-laki masih sangat dominan dalam memainkan peran penting dalam pembagian peran strategis terutama dalam bidang pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Kesimpulannya, generasi Y dan Z tidak mengalami masalah
Nama Jurnal

Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Garut
Volume 8 Nomor 1





Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Menu Makanan Dan Minuman Berbasis Web Sebagai Penentu Nilai Menu Terbaik

Assoc. Prof. John Adler, S.Si, M.Si

Cafe merupakan salah satu tempat usaha yang digunakan untuk berkumpul, bersantai atau mengisi waktu luang saja, selain itu cafe juga menyediakan makanan dan minuman. Pemesanan merupakan salah satu aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh pelanggan atau pembeli. Pada umumnya beberapa pengusaha cafe memiliki permasalahan dalam melayani pelanggan untuk pemesanan menu makanan dan minuman, permasalahan tersebut adalah pelanggan harus menunggu lama untuk melakukan pemesanan yang cepat dan praktis, karena pembeli harus menulis terlebih dahulu di kertas sehingga memakan waktu yang lama untuk melakukan pemesanan. Oleh karena itu, untuk dapat mewujudkan kepuasan pelanggan maka tujuan peneliti adalah merancang suatu sistem pemesanan menu makanan dan minuman, serta menentukan menu terbaik dengan menggunakan metode TOPSIS. Metode TOPSIS merupakan metode yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan dalam menentukan menu-menu terbaik berdasarkan perangkingan dengan kriteria dan alternatif yang sudah ditentukan sebelumnya. Sistem ini dirancang dengan menggunakan database MySQL, Framework Bootstrap dan Codeigniter. Dengan adanya sistem informasi pemesanan menu makanan dan minuman ini dapat membantu dalam mendata penjualan pada cafe bakso solmed, sehingga data menjadi teratur dan tersimpan dengan baik. Hasil dari penelitian maka dapat diketahui perengkingan penilaian menu terbaik pembeli adalah perengkingan pertama bakso indomie, kedua minuman good day, ketiga bakso kosong pedal, keempat bakso kosong. Kemudian dari dampak penelitian ini adalah dapat membantu dalam proses pemesanan menu makanan dan minuman secara online pada cafe baskso solmed pakde slamet, serta dapat membantu dalam menentukan menu-menu terbaik berdasarkan nilai kriteria dan nilai alternatif. Kata Kunci: sistem informasi, website, cafe, pemesanan menu, TOPSIS
Nama Jurnal

Majalah Ilmiah UNIKOM
Volume 20 Nomor 1



Peran Pmdn Dan Pma Terhadap Penurunan Angka Kemiskinan Di Indonesia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ir. Herman S. Soegoto, MBA. Dr. Ir. Suryatno Wiganepdo Soegoto, M.M.

Nama Jurnal

Jurnal Riset Bisnis dan Manajemen JURISMA
Volume 12 Nomor 1



