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Assessment Of The Water Quality And Environmental Management In Jangari Reservoir Watershed Using Selected Physical, Chemical, And Biological Parameters

Dr. Senny Luckyardi, S. P., M.M.

This study examines water quality and environmental management in the Cirata Reservoir by using certain physical, chemical, and biological parameters associated with environmental management. The physical parameters measured were rainfall, temperature, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), and turbidity. The chemical parameters measured are the degree of acidity (pH) and electrical conductivity (EC). While the biological parameter measured is the density of phytoplankton. The field survey was conducted as a data collection method supported by literature review and interviews. This research used quantitative methods with a qualitative approach. Water samples were taken at the location where water flows in the Cirata Reservoir from Purwakarta, Cianjur, and West Bandung boils down, namely in the Jangari area Bobojong, Cianjur. Samples were taken at two points about 200 m apart. Sampling was also carried out in harbor and fish breeding. The results showed that the Cirata reservoir water flow was polluted with high levels. It is indicated by TDS 102-129 ppm that means high inorganic content. Due to inadequate environmental management from the authorities and community activities that do not pay attention to environmental sustainability. Therefore, all related parties together with the community in the area around Cirata Reservoir, especially Jangari, have a key role in preserving the function. This study's results can enrich the literature on water quality and environmental management and provide input for local governments regarding reservoir management
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Volume 16 Nomor 6




Smart Monitoring Of Nutrient Content, Ph Condition And Temperature In Vegetable Leaf Grown Through Deep Flow Technique

Dr. Senny Luckyardi, S. P., M.M. Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, MT Dedeng Hirawan, S.Kom.,M.Kom.

This research aims to develop a hydroponic farming system by utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT) as a medium for monitoring the quality of plant nutrition, pH Condition, and Temperature. The research method used quantitative analysis of plant nutrient content measurements for 26 days with two treatments, namely indoor and outdoor. We used several vegetable leaves (i.e. Bok Choy, Water Spinach, and Lettuce) as these plants are easy to grow, have a low risk of withering, and have a relatively short planting time until harvest (26 days). The findings presented that by implementing IoT in agriculture, the nutritional content of plants can be measured accurately, from pH, plant nutrients (ppm), to temperature. With the monitoring system, we can detect whether the nutrient content is deficient or excessive. The system can also maintain optimum conditions in nutrient content quality, pH condition, and temperature. In conclusion, this research can be used as a reference for developing an optimal hydroponic monitoring system
Nama Jurnal

Moroccan Journal of Chemistry
Volume 9 Nomor 4




Implementasi Face Recognition Dan Global Positioning System Pada Sistem Presensi Di Desa Mekarjati Kab Indramayu Berbasis Mobile

Chrismikha Hardyanto, S.Kom., M.Kom.

Balai Desa Mekarjati merupakan kantor yang berada di lingkungan wilayah Kecamatan Haurgeulis Kabupaten Indramayu. Dalam hal mewujudkan kehidupan masyarakat yang demokratis, kantor Balai Desa Mekarjadi mempunyai tugas utama yaitu mendorong pemberdayaan masyarakat dan memberikan pelayanan publik yang baik. Dimana pelayanan administrasi masalah kependudukan seperti pelayanan pembuatan surat-menyurat (SKTM, surat kematian, pembuatan KTP, KK, dan sejenisnya) merupakan salah satu tugas utama Balai Desa Mekarjati ini. Menurut hasil wawancara dengan Bapak Aming. selaku lurah di kantor Balai Desa Mekarjati, ditemukan Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada desa tersebut adalah buruknya kinerja perangkat desa dalam pelayanan administrasi desa, penyebabnya banyak perangkat desa yang tidak hadir tepat waktu karena perangkat desa banyak yang melakukan kecurangan dalam proses presensi. Kecurangan terjadi karena proses presensi yang dilakukan di kantor Balai Desa Mekarjati masih manual. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka teknologi face recognition dan global positioning system merupakan teknologi yang layak digunakan untuk membuat sistem presensi yang dapat membantu kantor balai Desa Mekarjati dalam mengatasi kecurangan pada proses kegiatan presensi. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini kecurangan yang terjadi di kantor Balai Desa Mekarjati Kecamatan Haurgeulis Kabupaten Indramayu berkurang karena perangkat desa tidak bisa melakukan kecurangan seperti menitipkan absen kepada rekan nya.
Nama Jurnal

JUPITER : Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Teknik Dan Ilmu Komputer
Volume 1 Nomor 2





Vetiver Waste Fertilizer As A Growth Catalyst On Mung Bean

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, MT Dr. Senny Luckyardi, S. P., M.M.

Mung bean (Vigna radiata) is extensively cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical Asia and a resource of seed protein. It is also easily adapted to various environments. Fertilizer has an important role in increasing production and quality of crop cultivation. The fertilizers must meet national standards and their effectiveness must be proven. The purpose of this study is to analyse the use of vetiver waste fertilizer as growth catalyst on mung bean. This research method used completely randomized design (CRD) and descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted by observing three types of sample, namely the mung bean without fertilizer, half-decomposed fertilizer, and decomposed vetiver waste fertilizer. The sample of mung bean without fertilizer was used as a reference for standardization of mung bean growth. In addition, this study discusses the difference of using vetiver waste fertilizer on plant physical characteristics. The results showed that from the samples taken, mung bean with half-decomposed fertilizer were more stunted than the other two samples. Meanwhile, from the calculation using CRD is obtained that value F calculate < F tables. It means that even though special treatment is given, it does not have significant effect on the Mung bean growth due to it will continue to grow even if there is no fertilizer application. However, plants with decomposed vetiver waste fertilizer have rapid growth with stronger plant physical characteristics. It is indicated by more water contained in the mung bean with decomposed vetiver waste fertilizer. From these results, it is shown that the use of vetiver waste fertilizer is effective as catalyst in the growth of mung bean. This research is expected to be a reference for future research. It can be concluded that vetiver waste fertilizer can stimulate the growth of mung bean and potentially effective for the development of other plants.
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Volume 16 Nomor 1




Vetiver Waste Fertilizer As A Growth Catalyst On Mung Bean

Dr. Senny Luckyardi, S. P., M.M.

Nama Jurnal

Volume 0 Nomor -





Covid 19 Early Warning Detection System

Dr. Senny Luckyardi, S. P., M.M. Sutono, M.Kom. Selvia Lorena Br Ginting, S.Si., M.T

A mosque is a place of worship activities that is very crowded with people, especially if the mosque is located on the side of the road. Automatically, the mosque users are local people and outsiders who happen to cross the mosque. In the Covid-19 pandemic, anticipating the impact of its spread must be watched out, especially since this mosque is often visited by worshipers from outside (not the surrounding community). Inside the mosque, this aims to limit the number of worshipers in the mosque; the ultrasonic sensor functions to find out the people who are wrongly occupying the shaft or place of prayer with an indicator in the form of a buzzer. Thus this research aims to provide a solution to a sense of security and comfort to the local community and outsiders who will use the mosque to worship. In the mosque, a covid-19 early warning system has been implanted using three sensors, namely an infrared sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and infrared body temperature sensor. Based on reports in March 2021, there was a decrease in confirmed symptoms of Covid 19, which originally amounted to 82 people confirmed as Covid 19. After implementing the system, two reports were found to have died, 78 people said to be cured, and two people are still undergoing quarantine at their respective homes. Then enter the month of Ramadan in 2021, some reports confirm that Covid 19 is nil. It is a positive response that has a good impact on worshipers, especially those who use mosques as a means of worship. This data can be accessed through an application called "PeduliL Protects," which can be downloaded via the Android application in the play store under the zoning "Babakan Tarogong Village."
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Engineering Research
Volume 1 Nomor 1



Analisis Perbandingan Algoritma Breadth First Search (Bfs) Dan Algoritma A*

Budi Herdiana, S.T., M.T.

Pada path planning terdapat beberapa metode yang dapat digunakan. Metode yang dapat digunakan untuk path planning yaitu algoritma Breadth First Search (BFS) dan algoritma A*. Metode yang digunakan tergantung dari keadaan lingkungan. Pengujian path planning pada berbagai lingkungan dengan menggunakan metode yang berbeda dapat mengetahui performansi tiap metode tersebut. Sehingga tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan antara algoritma BFS dengan algoritma A* dalam melakukan path planning. Proses perbandingan dilakukan pada lima lingkungan pengujian. Lingkungan pengujian yang digunakan yaitu tanpa obstacle, obstacle trap, obstacle sederhana, obstacle maze dan obstacle narrow. Perbandingan algoritma BFS dan algoritma A* berdasarkan waktu eksekusi dan jumlah node yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan path planning. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pencarian jalur dari titik start ke titik goal dapat diselesaikan dengan algoritma BFS dan A*. Pada algoritma BFS maupun A* menghasilkan biaya jalur yang sama. Perbedaan terjadi pada node-node yang dibutuhkan algoritma BFS dan A* untuk menghasilkan jalur dari titik start hingga titik goal. Algoritma BFS membutuhkan node lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan A* untuk mencapai titik goal. Perbedaan jumlah node tersebut membuat waktu eksekusi menjadi berbeda. Waktu eksekusi pada algoritma BFS membutuhkan waktu lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan A*. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan maka algoritma A* lebih cepat dalam melakukan path planning. Tetapi pada lingkungan pengujian maze terjadi perbedaan waktu yang sedikit. Pada BFS memerlukan waktu tercepat 4,09 detik serta pada A* memerlukan waktu tercepat 3,88 detik. Serta pada lingkungan maze memiliki perbedaan jumlah node cukup sedikit yaitu 26 node. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa A* tidak selalu unggul jauh dengan BFS.
Nama Jurnal

Volume 9 Nomor 2




Perancangan Game Edukasi &Quot;The Legend Of Al-Khawarizmi&Quot; Sebagai Alat Bantu Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Berkebutuhan Khusus

Bella Hardiyana, S.Kom, M.Kom

The purpose of this research is to produce educational games that can support learning for students with special needs. The selection of game media is expected to attract students with special needs to participate in the learning process organized by the university because in the game itself there are several animations, interactions, and challenges that can change the learning atmosphere to be fun. Currently, games are not only for entertainment but games can also function as a means of learning. The game as a learning tool is not a new concept, this concept emerged along with the emergence of various kinds of games. The genre of this game is RPG (Role-playing Game). Until in the end, this game comes as an interactive and communicative learning media for students with special needs and can make it easier for lecturers or teaching staff to convey the material presented.
Nama Jurnal

Jurnal Pendidikan Kebutuhan Khusus (JPKK)
Volume 5 Nomor 2



Crowd Detection Using Yolov3-Tiny Method And Viola-Jones Algorithm At Mall

Selvia Lorena Br Ginting, S.Si., M.T Hanhan Maulana, M.Kom., Ph.D.

Indonesia is one of the countries affected by Covid-19 which is spreading quite fast. Lately, the surge in Covid-19 cases in Indonesia is quite high, due to the lack of public awareness of the current health protocols, such as avoiding crowds and keeping a distance. The purpose of this study is to reduce crowds that occur in places with a high risk of crowding, for example in mall. Detection is done by using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in the mall and using the YOLOv3-Tiny method and the Viola-Jones Algorithm to detect the crowd. To support the research, we use the method of literature study and field observation at Cimahi Mall as one of the malls in the area of Bandung Raya. The results show that to reduce the number of crowds that occur in the mall, crowd detection must be carried out using the YOLOv3-Tiny method and the Viola-Jones Algorithm, and a warning system is given if a crowd is detected in the place. The main concept of this system is crowd detection and warning if there is a crowd located on CCTV in the Mall. In our opinion, when this system is running in malls that occur in Indonesia, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia will decrease because there are no crowds. It can be concluded that this system exists as a precaution against the crowds that often occur today at the mall. Prevention is done by detecting crowds and giving warnings if there is a crowd so that positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia will be reduced.
Nama Jurnal

International Journal of Informatics, Information System and Computer Engineering (Injiiscom)
Volume 2 Nomor 2