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Prototype Mobile Contactless Transaction System In Traditional Markets To Support The Covid-19 Physical Distancing Program

Irawan Afrianto, S.T, M.T Sufa atin, S.T, M.Kom

The Covid-19 pandemic has made many changes to the business system in various sectors. One way to prevent and reduce the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic is a physical distancing program. This has led to a digital trans-formation of the traditional transaction mechanism. This research aims to develop a prototype contactless transaction system using digital payment mechanisms and QR code technology that will be applied in traditional mar-kets. The method used in the development of electronic market systems is a prototype approach. The application of digital payments and QR code technology is used as a solution to minimize money exchange contacts that are common in traditional markets. The results showed that the system built was able to accelerate and facilitate the buying and selling transaction process in a traditional market environment. QR codes can speed up transactions, while digital payments make payment transactions easier. Alpha testing conducted shows that all functional systems are running well. Meanwhile, the beta test results show that the user acceptance of the system is 86% from the merchant side and 89% from the buyer side. The existence of an electronic market system can reduce contact between sellers and buyers with traditional money changers during transactions and replace them with electronic money in a traditional market environment. This system is also part of the digital transformation of the traditional market to the electronic market and has become one of the solutions in reducing the spread of the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Nama Jurnal

Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (BEEI)
Volume 10 Nomor 5



Re-Connecting Community Collective Memory With The Change Of Life Culture And The Cultural Resistance In Paku Alam Village, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dhini Dewiyanti Tantarto, M.T, Ir Tri Widianti Natalia, M.T, S.T Nova Chandra Aditya, S.T., M.T.

Development can be described as two sides of a coin, the first side provides benefits, but on the other side it turns out to have to sacrifice for some people. Jatigede Dam, located in Sumedang Regency, West Java Province, was built in 1998 and its construction resulted in 28 submerged villages. The communities whose areas are submerged must create new villages and switch professions that used to have a livelihood as an agrarian society must switch professions to become aquatic culture communities. This paper discusses experiences in the proposed (re)structuring activities of the Paku Alam Village area in Darmaraja District around the dam. The activity is carried out through the method of recalling the community collective memory, which is brought together with the context of changes in the livelihood culture and ritual culture that is still owned by the village community so that the changing area can be accepted as a "new village" for the community. The data is obtained through searching sites that are considered important by the community, ritual activities that are usually carried out, people's daily lives, and the bad memories of drowned villages, reconciled with the present and future context as part of the region's arrangement. The result is a regional proposal that is expected to meet people's expectations
Nama Jurnal

BESt: Journal of Built Environment Studies
Volume 2 Nomor 1




Sistem Informasi Absensi, Penggajian, Dan Pinjaman Pegawai Pada Pt. X

Annisa Paramitha Fadillah, S.Kom., M.Kom

Nama Jurnal

JAMIKA(Jurnal Manajemen Informatika)
Volume 10 Nomor 2





Evaluation Of Enterprise Architecture Implementation: A Critical Success Factors

Diana Effendi, S.T, M.T

This paper provides a review of Critical Success Factors (CSF) to support the evaluation of the implementation of enterprise architecture. To produce appropriate critical success factors, a literature review was conducted from several previous researches. The method used in this paper follows the flow of the Systematic Literature Review (SLR). This paper produces an understanding of the organization regarding Critical Success Factors (CSF) for the evaluation of enterprise architecture implementation. These factors are communication, organizational learning, management commitment, governance, goals, benefits, and scope. Communication and organizational culture are the most important things in evaluating Enterprise Architecture (EA) implementation with a percentage of 60% of paper studied. The results obtained from this discussion can be used by researches or practitioners as a consideration in evaluating enterprise architecture implementation. Keywords: CSF, Enterprise architecture, Evaluation.
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Volume 16 Nomor 2




Penerapan Desain Sistem Menggunakan Metode Atomic Design Di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi

Fakhrian Fadlia Adiwijaya, M.kom

Universitas Muhammadiah Sukabumi (UMMI) merupakan instansi yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan, khususnya perguruan tinggi. Ummi memiliki berbagai website yang digunakan sebagai perantara antara mahasiswa dengan pihak universitas yang memiliki karakteristik dan kebutuhan yang berbeda. Dalam pengembangan websitenya terdapat perbedaan pendapat antara pihak universitas sebagai pemangku keputusan dengan pihak pengembang websitenya yang menyebabkan ketidak konsistenan tampilan antarmuka dan lamanya proses pembuatan desain karena desainer selalu membuat konsep desai dari awal. design system merupakan guidline dan dokumentasi yang terdiri dari kumpulan komponen user interface (UI) yang saling terhubung, metode yang digunakan menggunakan atomic design. dengan menggunakan design system diharapkan ketidak konsistenan dalam mengembangkan produk dan lamanya proses desain di Ummi dapat diatasi. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian waktu keseluruhan yang dibutuhkan dalam menyelesaikan tugas setelah design system diterapkan adalah 1 jam 30 menit 48 detik, hal tersebut berkurang dari hasil pengujian pra riset yang membutuhkan waktu 2 jam 26 menit 44 detik. dalam menyelesaikan tugas mencapai 88% dari target 80% dan efisiensi waktu keseluruhan mencapai 86% dari target 80%. sehingga dengan dibuatnya design system merupakan solusi yang tepat diimplementasikan di UMMI sukabumi.
Nama Jurnal

KOMPUTA: Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer dan Informatika
Volume 10 Nomor 1





Penyajian Ruang Pamer Sejarah Museum Bank Indonesia Dengan Teknik Pencahayaan Teatrikal

Ryanty Derwentyana Nazhar, M.Ds

The museum is a place that displays objects related to history and a means of research and recreation. The object that is patched has a museum that has information that must be conveyed to visitors. The layout of the exhibits in the museum room is a factor that must be considered so that communication between the exhibitors and visitors can run smoothly. The layout can make it easier for visitors to find information enjoying the objects shown. Another factor that helps to attract people's interest to enjoy these objects is the lighting technique. The use of theatrical techniques in museums can attract the interest of the public, also can give another impression that will be captured by visitors here. The Bank Indonesia Museum located in Jakarta is a museum that shows the development of banks in Indonesia. By using a case study method through visual analysis of lighting, the lighting techniques in this room will be polished the impression conveyed to visitors.
Nama Jurnal

DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain
Volume 1 Nomor 1



Data Mining, Neural Network Algorithm To Predict Student'S Grade Point Average: Backpropagation Algorithm

Selvia Lorena Br Ginting, S.Si., M.T

The Grade Point Average (GPA) for a tertiary institution is one of the elements used to measure the quality of teaching and learning. In the Department of Computer Systems, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, there are many students who have bachelor's degrees, but there are still many students who do not graduate on time with unsatisfactory GPA. By utilizing the pile of academic data from students who have graduated, modelling the data mining technique using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method with the backpropagation algorithm can be done. The purpose of this study is to test the ANN modelling with backpropagation algorithm in making a student's Grade Point Average (GPA) prediction information system. The student GPA prediction system is used as a supporting material for the academic advisor to provide evaluation guidance to students who are considered to have academic problems. The parameter attributes used in this study included Grade Point Semester (GPS) one to four as well as several course scores as data input and GPA as an output data. The test was carried out in four scenarios, where the best results of ANN were obtained in scenario-IV with the parameters of the number of input layer neurons 18, the number of hidden layer neurons 24, the number of output layer neurons 1, learning rate (α) 0.15, 2000 iterations (epoch) and 591 data sets. The data is divided into 85% data set for training data as well as 15% data set for test data. The average accuracy obtained from this information system is 97.2%. It is expected that this study can be used as a reference for designing a data mining architecture model using the ANN Backpropagation algorithm in creating values prediction information system.
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (Jestec)
Volume 16 Nomor 3