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National Museum Of Indonesia: Virtual Tour Experience

Ryanty Derwentyana Nazhar, M.Ds

This article aims to discuss the implementation of exhibition spaces in virtual tour museums in Indonesia. The case study taken is the National Museum of Indonesia, the largest museum in Indonesia and has many collections. In 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic occurred globally, including in Indonesia, which limited activities in public facilities. One of the effects of this incident was the closure of museum facilities. The National Museum of Indonesia is one of the museums that has finally opened an online virtual tour facility to deal with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic problem. In the exhibition interior design science, there are several elements and design systems applied to get the things they want when visiting an exhibition, including getting clear information and education and experiencing the recreation obtained from space's activities and atmosphere. The virtual exhibition space will undoubtedly be different from the conventional exhibition space. The research carried out a method by collecting data based on a survey of 121 respondents, who conducted a virtual tour of the museum directly and assessed the room's situation and the clarity of the information obtained. This study's results are in the form of experiences experienced and felt by visitors, which can be used as input for the improvement of the virtual tour of the National Museum of Indonesia in particular, and museums in Indonesia in general.
Nama Prosiding

The 3rd International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities 2020
Volume 3 Nomor 1




Effects Of Interior Design On Hotel User Behavior Sharia Concept

Dina Fatimah, M.Ds, S.Ds

This research aims to find the effect of user behavior on the interior design concept of Sharia Hotels. Sharia hotels are hotels that designed using Islamic principles. The method used in this research was to describe the layout (interior design of the room) in a case study and an in-depth analysis. The result found to be a positive user interaction with the spatial concept that refers to the Sharia concept. The success of an interior designer is to produce a design that comes from the data of user needs and make it happen through facilities that affect users.
Nama Prosiding

International Conference on Business, Economic, Social Science, and Humanities–Humanities and Social Sciences Track (ICOBEST-HSS 2019)
Volume - Nomor -





Optimizing The Use Of Google Drive Media For The Making Of Letter Of Introduction From The University As A Support Of The Paperless Office

Adi Rachmanto, S.Kom., M.Kom

University as an institution is equipped with an administration which always includes archiving activities. Making electronic letters can help administrative activities in obtaining cover letters from campus, one of which is a cover letter from the campus to carry out practical work in companies / institutions. Therefore, making manual letters / archives can be equipped with electronic archiving, one of which is the Google Drive application which has the purpose of being a paperless office. The purpose of this study was to create a cover letter making system using the Google Drive application as a support for a paperless office in universities. In the Google Drive application, other applications will also be used, including google form which is used to display the data entry interface, google docs for document creation and google spreadsheet is used for data storage and processing. This research is a descriptive study with a practical and applicable approach. The subjects in this study were secretariat employees and final year students who carried out practical work. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview and documentation. The impact of making this application is to be able to help students to simplify and speed up in obtaining a cover letter for practical work from campus.
Nama Prosiding

The 3 rd International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities 2020 (ICOBEST 2020)
Volume 3 Nomor 1




Design Of Website Characteristics To Increase Customer Satisfaction In Winning Global Competition

Supriyati, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., ASEAN CPA., C.PI., CIAP.

The purpose of this research is to find out how customer satisfaction in the field of online business and make it easier for consumers to shop who do not have to leave home because of the convenience provided by online businesses, so users will feel satisfied and trust to transact online. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method. Descriptive qualitative method is a method used to describe or analyse the results of research. The purpose of the descriptive qualitative method is to make a systematic, factual, and accurate description, picture, or painting of the facts, properties, and relationships of the phenomenon under investigation. This method also explains the relationship, tests hypotheses, makes predictions, and gets the meaning of a problem that you want to solve. Then the theoretical concepts of various methods. Website characteristics are defined as attributes that consumers consider when evaluating the website of an online store. Website characteristics are measured using five dimensions shopping Convenience, Site design, Informative, Security, Communication. Online business is an important tool for consumers to find products from these stores, the purchase intention of consumers through online stores tends to be high. Consumer satisfaction is greatly influenced by the transaction process and trust. And based on the result of the above research, that ease, security, site design, informative and communication as well as features of an online business affect customer satisfaction so that it allows loyal customers to e-commerce and will return to visit the website.
Nama Prosiding

International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST) 2020
Volume - Nomor -





Maintenance Policy For Korin Filling Machines Using Overall Equipment Effectiveness (Oee) And Markov Chain

Diana Andriani, S.T, M.M.MT Alam Santosa, S.T, M.T

The aim of this study is to measure the performance effectiveness, determine component replacement, and maintenance schedule for Korin filling machines that often experience downtime. The downtime can cause the performance of the machine to decline so that the production process does not run optimally, the product operating time decreases from the time of the targeted operation. This study used two methods, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a method used to measure the effectiveness of overall machine performance by measuring Availability, Performance, and Quality Level factors, meanwhile, Markov Chain is a method used to determine preventive maintenance schedules to obtain optimal time and costs for important components. The results of the Overall Effectiveness of Equipment on the Korin Filling machines are decreased. The value of the performance factor is at the lowest value. The results of the Markov Chain method yielded a machine maintenance schedule every five days.
Nama Prosiding

Incitest 2020
Volume - Nomor -





Lecturer: Rational Or Irrational

Diana Andriani, S.T, M.M.MT

This study aims to examine the relationship of cognitive bias with investment decisions on lecturers. Investment activities can sometimes cause errors or bias in the process of perceiving information relating to investment. Cognitive bias is an error in the thinking of someone who tends to be illogical in understanding something. Lecturers, as educators, must think logically and rationally in determining investment decisions. This will be tested whether lecturers are generally more rational or irrational in determining investment decisions.The sample of respondents was 70 lecturers. Data collection comes from the results of questionnaires. Multiple regression analysis is used to identify 7 cognitive biases that influence investment decisions, namely Overconfidence, Conservatism, Anchoring, Herding, Availability, Representativeness, and Mental Accounting. In addition, which bias is the most dominant effect on investment decisions. The results showed that lecturers experience cognitive bias so that it can be said, they act irrationally in determining investment decisions. The insignificant biases in investment decisions are Overconfidence and Representativeness, because these biases have a negative effect, and the dominant cognitive bias is Mental Accounting.
Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -





Database Design For Distribution Simulation Game

Alam Santosa, S.T, M.T Diana Andriani, S.T, M.M.MT

The purpose of this study is to obtain a database design for a distribution simulation game that will be used as a learning medium in a industrial engineering. Distribution simulation games have been used since the 1960s, since the invention of the Beer Game by Jay Wright Forrester. The method used in this research is the System Development Life Cycle including the steps of enterprise modeling, conceptual data modeling, logical database design, physical database design, and database implementation. The results of this study are in the form of a relational database design consisting of five entities namely GameTitle, Retailer, Wholesaler, Distributor, and Maufacturer. GameTitle is a strong entity that owns the other four entities. The design can be implemented well in a Database Management System such as Microsoft Access, MySQL, or others. This database is used as data storage during the game and then used as a data source to analyze the effectiveness of understanding the concept of learning in industrial techniques such as forecasting, inventory planning, and supply chain management. The main conclusion that can be drawn in this study is that the database design for the distribution simulation game can be implemented using Microsoft Access with the condition that transaction data between echelon is stored in a separate table to avoid conflicts when accessing simultaneously. With this database design, it is expected that everyone can develop a distribution simulation game application for improving the learning process in their respective fields of study.
Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -




Product Quality Improvement By Using The Waste Assessment Model And Kipling Method

Julian Robecca, S.T. M.T I Made Aryantha Anthara, S.T.MT

This study aims to identify waste, calculate the value of waste that occurs and provide suggestions for improvement to reduce waste. VSM describes the production flow and waste information that occurs, while WAM is the method used to calculate the waste assessment. Proposed improvements to reduce waste that has occurred using the Kipling Method. There are 6 types of waste that occurs. Waste assessment results that have been sorted in the production process are defect, motion, overproduction, transportation, waiting and process. This sequence is based on the largest weight to the smallest weight. For improvement proposals are prioritized for the type of waste with the highest rating weighting, namely defects. This shows that the defect is the type of waste that most influences the production process, making it easier to explore the cause of the problem and the advice that will be given to reduce the defects that occur. The company should make a visual form of the defect category so that the implementation of the recommendations for improvement can be applied and the operator can find out the true form of disability. It is expected that the proposed improvements can reduce the number of defects and meet the production targets achieved.
Nama Prosiding

Volume 879 Nomor 1




Improvement Of System Production Based On Analysis Of Quality Control

Julian Robecca, S.T. M.T I Made Aryantha Anthara, S.T.MT

The purpose of this research is to produce good quality products according to the wishes of consumers. The method used in this research is Ishikawa diagram. This method used to find out what factors affect the quality and lack of cones weight of the weight of a predetermined standard. Based on the results of the inspection carried out, several yarn cones do not have a weight according to the standard 3.175KG. Then, the type of product defects obtained is the weight does not match the thread cones on the spinning production floor 1. There are three factors causing the weight defects of yarn products in the Ishikawa diagram made, namely human factors, method factors, and machine factors. To be able to minimize the number of defects that occur in the yarn reel, in this study it is proposed several remedial actions based on the factors causing the defects including multiplying the sign in the form of lights in each yarn reel that has been damaged. With the improvement effort made, it is expected that the number of defects in the yarn reel can be minimized so that the yarn quality can be further improved.
Nama Prosiding

Volume 879 Nomor 1


