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Profitability And Financial Factors On The Indonesia Stock Exchange (Idx)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sri Dewi Anggadini, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA

This study aims to analyze the influence of Earnings Asset Quality, NonPerforming Loan (NPL), and Capital Adequacy on Return On Assets (ROA) of commercial banks indexed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The method used in this research is the descriptive verification method with a quantitative approach. The type of data used is the annual financial statements of commercial banks for 2019-2021. The results of the study partially show that the variable earnings asset quality and non-performing loans had a significant adverse effect on ROA, which shows that a decrease follows the increasing earnings asset quality and non-performing loans in ROA, and the capital adequacy variable has a significant positive effect on ROA means that an increase will follow capital adequacy in ROA. This condition shows that changes in ROA can occur due to factors that influence it, indicated by every increase in the quality of earnings assets will reduce asset returns, every increase in non-performing loans will reduce return on assets and every increase in capital adequacy ratio will increase return on assets. Furthermore, they were expected to solve problems at the level of bank ratios in Return On Assets, Non-Performing Loans, Earnings Asset Quality, and Capital Adequacy. The implications of this research are expected to be complementary to the banking literature in Indonesia. Practitioners and banking regulators are also expected to take advantage of the results of this study to design measures for the management of Non-Performing Loans by paying attention to factors including the management of Asset Quality Earnings, Capital Adequacy Ratio of the impact on bank Profitability
Nama Prosiding

The 5th International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities
Volume 5 Nomor -





Dampak Efektifitas Pembelajaran Dalam Studio Arsitektur Pasca Pandemi

Tri Widianti Natalia, M.T, S.T

Adanya pandemi dan perkembangan teknologi yang cepat membuat perubahan dalam proses belajar dan mengajar dilakukan dengan seefektif mungkin secara daring, hal ini menimbulkan metoda dan fenomena baru dalam proses belajar dan mengajar salah satunya adalah fenomena kerja berlebih atau hustle culture. Secara sadar atau tidak sadar fenomena hustle culture dapat menyebabkan mahasiswa mengalami gangguan kesehatan secara mental. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif mahasiswa dalam mengikuti mata kuliah arsitektur pasca pandemi, dengan menilai jam belajar, waktu istirahat beserta bobot pelajaran yang diterima untuk dapat mengikuti metode pembelajaran Arsitektur yang dinilai sangat berat oleh sebagian mahasiswa terlebih selama pandemi, dengan metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis data yang dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas belajar dan mengajar pendidikan arsitektur penelitian mengambil data secara kuantitatif terhadap mahasiswa arsitektur dengan metode kuesioner menggunakan skala likert sedangkan data tersebut diolah menggunakan analisis korelasi dan regresi, analisis distribusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara tidak sadar mahasiswa di jurusan Arsitektur banyak mengadopsi budaya hustle culture yang dinilai lebih efektifitas untuk dapat mengikuti metode pembelajaran Arsitektur terlebih selama pandemi. Efektifitas penerapan metode pembelajaran pada mahasiswa Arsitektur dapat dilihat dari kemampuan mahasiswa, perilaku, dan motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Kata Kunci: Hustle Culture, Mahasiswa Arsitektur. burnout.
Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor 0





Business Strategy Model On The Optimism Of Msme (Small Enterprises) Performance In The West Java Region Indonesia

Supriyati, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., ASEAN CPA., C.PI., CIAP.

This study aims to examine the business strategy model of UMKM Juara towards increasing optimism on the performance of MSMEs. The research method used is a qualitative method with a field approach, an institutional approach, and a library approach. The results of this study found that the business strategy model with the UMKM Juara concept resulted in an increase in various things such as MSMEs advancing to class, increasing income. This is because the UMKM Juara concept is digital-based, where MSMEs are fostered to be able to compete in the global market. Thus, the business strategy model must develop to digital based, so that improvements in MSME performance can be achieved and have a positive impact on the development of a business.
Nama Prosiding

International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities 2022
Volume - Nomor -





E-Commerce Technology With Wix Application In Home Industry Bamboo Air Purifier Acoustic Panel

Supriyati, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., ASEAN CPA., C.PI., CIAP.

Nama Prosiding

The 1st International Student Conference on Engineering and Environmental Research (ISCEER) 2022
Volume - Nomor -





Design Of Accounting Information System For Statement Of Financial Position At Pt Athaya Mutiara Gemilang Based On Website Using Php And Postgresql

Supriyati, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., ASEAN CPA., C.PI., CIAP.

Nama Prosiding

The 1st International Student Conference on Engineering and Environmental Research (ISCEER) 2022
Volume - Nomor -





Designing A Website-Based Sales Accounting Information System

Supriyati, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., ASEAN CPA., C.PI., CIAP.

Nama Prosiding

The 1st International Student Conference on Engineering and Environmental Research (ISCEER) 2022
Volume - Nomor -



