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Design And Development Of Milk Production Information System To Control Milk Production Productivity In Cattle Farm

Diana Effendi, S.T, M.T Bella Hardiyana, S.Kom, M.Kom

Currently, the processing of cow’s milk is getting more attention, considering the number of quality milk competitors. This requires the role of information technology to assist in processing cow data. The purpose of this study is to create an information system that can process data on cow’s milk production and dairy products at Tjutju Rusmana Farm. The current problem is that the milk production process is less controlled. The lack of information on the age of the cows causes random feeding. The entities involved in this system are the Ranch Owners and Cage Officers. The system approach method used in this research is the prototype and system development method using Object Oriented with Unified Modeling Language (UML) tools to describe the system design. This information system application program is created using a desktop-based Java program with a client-server that connects the entities involved in the system in one database. With this information system, information regarding the age of the cows will be more accurate and can be accessed by both the cage officer and the owner. The time of milking the cow and feeding can be done precisely according to the age of the cow. The impact is that the officer can find out the amount of feed to suit the age of the cow. This can minimize wasted time and maximize the amount of quality milk.
Nama Prosiding

AIP Conference Proceedings
Volume 2501 Nomor 1