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Data Prosiding - Tahun 2020

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Green Architectural Design Factors For Residential Environment And Lifestyle

Dina Fatimah, M.Ds, S.Ds

This study aims to process the residential green architecture design factors on poeple's lifestyle and its environment. This study used a qualitative analysis method, which was Miles and Huberman model. The method consists of several stages, namely the data reduction stage, the data presentation stage, as well as the conclusion and verification stage. The results of this study illustrate that residential design will affect the environment and changes in a person's lifestyle after settling in a residential that has been designed by an architecture. It is also likely to change someone's mindset indirectl
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 879 Nomor 01215




Utilization Of Sawdust As Interior Acoustic

Febry Maharlika, M.Sn

Nama Prosiding

3rd International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science, and Technology (INCITEST 2020)
Volume 879 Nomor 1





Document Extraction System Design

Nelly Indriani Widiastuti, M.T.

Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -





Motion And Control System Of A Mobile Robot As A Prototype Of An Autonomous Vehicle

Rodi Hartono, M.T. Taufiq Nuzwir Nizar, M.Kom, M.T

Autonomous vehicle is a vehicle that can automatically navigate both long-range and short-range navigation. In this paper, we designed a motion and navigation control system of an autonomous vehicle that is implemented on a mobile robot. The remote navigation process involves using the global positioning system (GPS) sensor as a reference to navigate, and for short-range navigation using the proximity and force sensor. The robot task is to reach several coordinate points that are determined and marked with a traffic-cone at each point. In the control of short-range navigation, the robot uses five ultrasonic and three switch sensors to read the environment as input to the description of the distance between the robot and the object. The micro-controller then compares it to the robot's safe distance instructions in navigating with surrounding objects. GPS sensor is used to provide remote navigation path information. To compensate for the accuracy of the wide GPS sensor readings, several waypoints are designed to guide the robot to the specified traffic-cone. From the implementation, the robot movement can go along the navigation area and can avoid short-range objects in the robot trajectory and get to the traffic-cone point with the percentage of success reaching the final destination above 86% both in sunny and cloudy weather.
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 897 Nomor 01210



Lake Toba Tourism Promotion Through Video Advertising Media

Deni Albar, S.Sn, M.Ds

Traveling is something important for the community to enjoy leisure time and unwind from their daily routines. One of the tourism potentials in Indonesia is Lake Toba which has a beautiful charm. Lake Toba is the largest tourism lake in Indonesia. Toba Samosir Regency is one of seven districts that surround Lake Toba and located on the outskirts of Lake Toba. In terms of promotion, the potential of Lake Toba, in particular, the Toba Samosir Regency has not been maximally promoted for tourists from outside the island of Sumatera. This caused tourists from outside the island of Sumatera do not know the potential of Lake Toba tourism. People from outside the island of Sumatera also consider heading to Lake Toba tourism farenough to reduce the interest of tourists to visit. The message material that needs to be conveyed in this design is introducing Lake Toba tours in Toba Samosir Regency by visualizing the atmosphere of tourist attractions and culture around Lake Toba. The results of this study expected to be able to influence the public to be interested and visit Lake Toba tourist attractions and enjoy the panoramic beauty and culture that is on Lake Toba. It needs a media that shows a glimpse of the beauty of Lake Toba and can persuade potential tourists to come. The conclusion of this participatory research shows that the comments of prospective tourists on the video in the social media appear to show the enthusiasm in visiting the Lake Toba tourist area.
Nama Prosiding

International Conference on Business, Economic, Social Science, and Humanities (ICOBEST 2019)
Volume 391 Nomor -



Development Of Expert System For Dental And Oral Diseases Diagnose In Certainty Condition

Dr. Marliana Budhiningtias Winanti, M.Si, S.Si Rangga Sidik, S.Kom., M.Kom., M.Eng

Expert systems are used to solve problems based on the view of an expert. Expert systems are widely used in various fields, such as health. This study aims to create a web-based expert system that is used for the early diagnosis of dental and oral diseases through the initial symptoms that appear from the patient. In its implementation, this research used a descriptive qualitative method completed by collecting data and observation. While the development of expert systems using the prototype development method and the model of the expert system created using the Dempster Shafer method. The acquisition of knowledge about the symptoms of dental and oral diseases from experts is stored in a repository. The implementation of expert system models uses an object-oriented approach. In this study, the results to be achieved are a prototype design of an expert system application used as an initial diagnosis for ordinary users (patient) regarding dental and oral diseases in certain conditions. The initial symptoms suffered are feed-in into the expert system interface. Knowledge in the expert system is prepared and store into the system by a specialist in dental and oral disease.
Nama Prosiding

International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science and Technology (INCITEST) 2020
Volume 879 Nomor 1



Semiotic Analysis Of Gundala Movie Poster

Satria Indra Praja Persada, S.Ds., M.M

Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -



