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Model Design Of Accounting Information Systems For Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes)

Supriyati, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., ASEAN CPA., C.PI., CIAP.

Village-Owned Enterprises as a benchmark for the pillars of the village economy in Indonesia today, in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 have used technology to run their businesses to win digital competition. However, today's village-owned companies not only require improvements and preparations in terms of technology, but for village-owned companies that have responsibilities and performance that need to be made in an accounting information system that is in accordance with the accounting standards required. Based on this discourse, the writer has the goal of creating an Accounting Information System Design Model for Village-Owned Enterprises that can become a potential village-owned company as a Human Technology in winning the Digital Competition. The research method used is a qualitative research method with descriptive methods and research methods, which are supported to obtain valid data with related parties as managers and development of accounting information systems from Village-Owned Enterprises, data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and interaction. As a result of the Accounting Information System Design Model for Village-Owned Enterprises as human technology to obtain digital competition can understand the business process of Village-Owned Enterprises and optimize existing infrastructure through the Village-Owned Business by design Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram and Entity Relationship Diagram. Meanwhile, to find out tangible assets and intangible assets consisting of human resource competencies owned by Pagerwangi Village, liabilities, equity, revenue, cost and expense, can be seen from accounting cycle at Financial Statement in the accounting information system for village-owned companies. The result from Financial statement are Activities Statement, Statement of Financial Position, and Cash Flow Statement.
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume - Nomor -



Android Based Livestock Sales Application Information System

Tatik Rohmawati, S.IP.,M.Si

Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -





The Influence Of Information Technology On Public Transportation

Tatik Rohmawati, S.IP.,M.Si

Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -





The Slavery Of Mystical Creature On The Golem And The Jinni

Erna Susilawati, SS.,MM.

The Golem is an artificial creature that made from clay and water with incantations and spells by a man (rabbi), It made to serve its creator. It well known as a creature of Jewish Mythology. The object of this research is The Golem, Chava on the novel with tittle “The Golem and The Jinni” by Helene Wecker. In this novel the character of Golem described as a good creature and has intimate relationship with the Jinni. Actually it is different as the others stories of Golem that always described as an evil creature who can destroy or kill the creator. The purpose of this research is to describe narratively the slavery of mystical creature, especially Golem and how Golem can survive and get along with human. Chava hardly refuse the orders from her master to kill human and do bad things even she was threaten got killed by her master. Due to this research found there was a friction role of Golem, in the past it is made to protect the master or the group from the harm thing or enemy while in this novel it is made to be a wife and she had a feeling and look as well as human. She could make a relationship with both human and the other creature such as Jinni. This research hopefully can be used as a source of cultural studies and narrative approach.
Nama Prosiding

PROCEEDING BOOK The 3rd International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities 2020
Volume 3 Nomor 1




Design Of Smart Trash Bin

Tatan Tawami, S.S., M.Hum.

The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of high-tech bins on people's interest in disposing trash. The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method and literature study to analyses community perceptions of smart trash bin. The results of this study state that the mind-set of the community in disposing trash increased after the existence of smart trash bin project. These results were obtained because the community became more interested in disposing trash in the presence of unique designs and diverse functions of these high-tech bins. This study concluded that smart trash bin can increase people's interest in disposing garbage in its place.
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 879 Nomor 1




Biophilic Design As A Strategy For Increasing The Quality Of Space In Offices

Dina Fatimah, M.Ds, S.Ds

This study aims to describe the application of Biophilic Design Concept that can be applied in offices. A design based on the concept of biophilia, is called a biophilic design by presenting a green space to improve the quality of life that affects human health and physiological and psychological well-being. Biophilic design has had many positive outcomes, namely trying to reconnect humans and nature by providing all kinds of behavioral, mental, and physical benefits. This study aims to determine how appropriate the design criteria for designing offices with biophilic design theory are used. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method. First of all, the biophilic design concept will be explained. Then will be analysed the possible patterns that can be used in office design. Biophilic design has 14 patterns that can be realized through a direct or indirect relationship with nature. The essence of this biophilic design is to create a space in which there is interaction with nature which is a basic human need. Office areas can apply these 14 patterns into the design concept. Three basics concepts of Biophilic Design: nature in spaces, analogues of nature, and Nature of space can be applied to office design.
Nama Prosiding

ICOBEST 2020 - New Era, the Trend towards Global Challenge after Covid-19 Pandemic
Volume - Nomor -





Spatiality In A Virtual Classroom

Febry Maharlika, M.Sn

The spread of the COVID 19 virus has had a significant impact on the world of education. Concerns about the spread of the virus among academicians have caused system changes in teaching and learning activities. Online learning is an option for schools to keep teaching and learning activities running. This study describes the teacher's spatiality in teaching activities in virtual classes using the google meet video conference service. To illustrate this experience, a descriptive analysis research method is used by analyzing the virtual space spatial framework. The virtual space framework used as the reference for this study is the allocentric frame of reference, the egocentric frame of reference and the intrinsic frame of reference. The results of this study explain that there is a framework that shapes spatiality in online learning spaces. The spatiality that is formed is due to the relationship between objects, namely, teachers, students, computer screens with video conference services, forming spatiality based on the teacher's imagination, experience and knowledge.
Nama Prosiding

ICOBEST 2020 - New Era, the Trend towards Global Challenge after Covid-19 Pandemic
Volume - Nomor -





Hybrid Design Model In Cross Cultural Collaboration: Case Study - Contemporary Bamboo-Ceramic-Batik-Silver Crafts Made By Indonesian And Japanese Artists

Cherry Dharmawan, S.Sn, M.Sn

The advancement of transportation, communication and information technology become a tool of globalization in the interaction process of cross-cultural artists. The collaboration is driven by the need to find new ideas in art creation, whether for self-actualization, shared identity representation, market competition and new technical learning. The case study is the quality improvement of local craft designs (bamboo, ceramic, batik and silver) through hybridity strategy. Design innovation is needed for Indonesia's creative industry market competition at the international level.This project uses a language approach and the hybridity method. In the communication process, language has a common (langue) and contextual (parole) patterns and individual code. The visual language of hybrid art is created through a combination of signs of common, contextual and special patterns as the representations of artist identity.The collaboration of Japanese and Indonesian craft artists in making hybridity of bamboo-ceramic, bamboo-batik and bamboosilver crafts represent dialogue between differences. The hybrid identity is the meeting point of similarities and differences vectors of cultures and each artist translation to their respective cultural patterns.
Nama Prosiding

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2018)
Volume - Nomor -





Sylvia Octa Putri, S.IP.,M.I.Pol

This paper aims to identify the prospects and challenges from Indonesia's industrial diplomacy. Indonesian industry contributes almost 20 percent to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Industrial sector is the backbone of the Indonesian economy, besides having a high value (export) also provide jobs. Recent trend Indonesia’s national industries growing at a low speed, especially during the covid-19 pandemic. In the midst of this uncertain situation, the national industry is still show a good performance. Industrial diplomacy is urgently needed. The research method was a qualitative approach, which data collection technique was conducted through literature review. The result of this paper shows that Indonesian government continues to strive to improve the competitiveness of the national industry so that it can be competitive at the global level through industrial diplomacy. Some challenges like trade barriers, product strategy, synergy and coordination, and the low number of representations of industrial diplomats became challenges in industrial diplomacy. With the right strategy and successful implementation of Making Indonesia 4.0, Indonesia has an opportunity to become the top 10 largest economies in the world by 2030
Nama Prosiding

ICOBEST 2020 - New Era, the Trend towards Global Challenge after Covid-19 Pandemic
Volume 3 Nomor -


