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Data Publikasi Jurnal - Tahun 2020

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Web Service For Academic Information Systems

Dr. Senny Luckyardi, M.M.

This research has a goal to create an academic information system based on web service or Application Programming Interface (API). API used, so information systems are easily accessed and applied to cross platforms such as websites, desktop applications, mobile applications, and others. The descriptive analysis method was used in this study to analyze the requirements contained in the system to be built, while the Waterfall method used as a model approach in software development. The final results of this study can help in the management of academic data. These results can be achieved because all information is processed and presented online and accessed through cross platforms. In addition, if universities are more advanced, this system is easier to develop because it uses the API. This research contributes to data regulation with the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Collage
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Volume 15 Nomor -





Path Planning Algorithm Using Informed Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree*-Connect With Local Search

Muhammad Aria Rajasa Pohan, M.T

The objective of this study is to propose a path planning algorithm using the Informed RRT*-Connect algorithm and a RRT*- based local search algorithm. The Informed RRT*-Connect algorithm is a two-way version of RRT* where sampling is limited to the area that is predicted to provide a better solution. The proposed local search algorithm uses the idea of an informed RRT* where the sampling process is carried out at a certain distance from the best path obtained from the previous path planning algorithm. The performance of the proposed algorithm with the RRT*, Informed RRT*, and RRT*-Connect algorithms using several benchmark cases, namely clutter, trapping, and narrow, respectively, were compared. The test results showed that the use of the Informed RRT*-Connect algorithm with a local search algorithm can increase the convergence rate and final solution quality compared to other algorithms. The Informed RRT*-Connect algorithm can have a high convergence speed because it uses two search trees and performs searches only in a limited area. The local search algorithm can improve the quality of the final solution because it performs exploitation searches along the previous final path. So, the Informed RRT*-Connect algorithm with a local search algorithm has the potential to be used in systems that require fast and optimal path planning algorithms such as robots and autonomous vehicles. Keywords: Informed RRT*, Informed RRT*-Connect, Local search, Path planning, RRT*-Connect.
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC)
Volume - Nomor -




Coruption Eradication Amid Covid Pandemic 19 In Indonesia

Dr. Musa Darwin Pane, S.H., M.H.

Nama Jurnal

Volume 0 Nomor -





Website-Based Al-Quran Memorization Monitoring And Evaluation System Design

Taryana Suryana, ST., M.Kom

This research aims to describe and analyze the system of monitoring as well as evaluating the progress of memorizing the Qur'an. Literature study, observation, and system design are used as methods in this research. With this method, we can create an accurate information system about the monitoring and evaluation of the progress in memorizing AlQuran. As the results, this study obtained data such as the condition of the average number from Al-Quran memorization student (hafidz) and their progress. The creation of a monitoring system is very important because it can help the teacher to make decisions about what memorization methods need to be applied.
Nama Jurnal

Volume 1764 Nomor 1




Pendampingan Desain Pemanfaatan Lahan Terlantar Di Kompleks Perumahan Melalui Pendekatan Komunitas

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dhini Dewiyanti Tantarto, M.T, Ir Tri Widianti Natalia, M.T, S.T Nova Chandra Aditya, S.T., M.T.

Fenomena adanya lahan kosong yang tidak terawat dalam sebuah lingkungan perumahan dan dimanfaatkan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu karena dianggap sudah tidak diawasi oleh pemilik tanah yang sah, seringkali terjadi. Jika terjadi dalam kurun waktu yang sangat lama, terkadang pemanfaat lahan tersebut membuat duplikasi sertifikat dengan cara ilegal yang di kemudian hari akan terjadi sengketa dengan pemilik tanah yang sah. Kegiatan pendampingan masyarakat ini dilakukan pada lahan milik Rukun Warga di lingkungan Perumahan Dosen UNPAD, Cigadung, Bandung, yang memiliki beberapa lahan “hilang” status karena diakui oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Lahan yang akan digarap, sementara ini terlihat tidak terawat dan dikhawatirkan akan diakui oleh pihak lain apabila tidak segera dimanfaatkan. Melalui pendekatan komunitas, mahasiswa yang dilibatkan pada kegiatan pengabdian ini, melakukan aktivitas mulai dari pengukuran, pemetaan, wawancara kepada sejumlah tokoh masyarakat, serta warga. Kegiatan ini memberikan sebuah kesadaran mengenai pentingnya sebuah kerjasama dan komunikasi yang terjalin antar generasi, mengingat komunitas warga memiliki rentang usia yang beragam.
Nama Jurnal

Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia
Volume 9 Nomor 1