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Data Prosiding - Tahun 2019

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Role Of Marketplace On Distro Industry

Diana Andriani, S.T, M.M.MT

This study aims to determine the influence of the market on the industry and to find out the most profitable market for sales. The method used in this research is a descriptive method, to present complete information relating to several variables that encourage and also make observations and interviews of several distributions. The results of this study indicate that sales results use a larger market with sales results without using the market. Also known are products manufactured by Distro and also larger products. This research resulted in the sale of apparel products using the marketplace can make it easier for entrepreneurs distributions to promote their goods without having to spend a high budget.
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Spending Habits And Financial Literacy Based On Gender On Employees

Diana Andriani, S.T, M.M.MT

The aim of the study was to investigate the financial behavior of employees regarding financial literacy and spending habits based on gender. The cluster sampling was used in this study and 60 employees consist of 30 male and 30 female were chosen and the analytical method used is different test of independent sample t-test for normally distributed data, while Mann-Whitney test test for distributed data is not normal. The result showed that financial literacy behavior and spending habits between male and female employees were not different. Male and female employees had low level of financial literacy and they had tight spending habits The study also found that male and female employees did not have appropriate knowledge to manage their financial especially in managing investment and loan. This result in increasingly tight spending which caused they still have to deal with the monthly installment payment in the long run.
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Trash Click Design Using House Of Quality

Julian Robecca, S.T. M.T

The purpose of this research is to design bags as garbage bags used by mountain climbers who usually use plastic bags to store their trash. This garbage bag is called click trash. To ensure that trash clicks as produced trash bags will meet the needs of mountain climbers, product design is carried out using the concept of Quality Function Deployment in the form of a matrix shaped house called the House of Quality. This matrix changes the customer's voice directly to the specifications of the bag produced, from the questionnaire distribution 30 statements were obtained. Of these 30 statements, twelve technical characteristics were established in response to the needs of climbers which would influence the design of the specifications of the trash as a garbage bag. The click rubbish design made by referring to the technical characteristics produced so that the click rubbishes specifications fit the needs of mountain climbers. The results of the design of this bag are expected to meet the needs of mountain climbers as a place to transport rubbish during climbing activities because of its beneficial that easy to use, more practical, can be used repeatedly, and to prevent leaving the trash in the mountaint.
Nama Prosiding

Volume 662 Nomor 2




Trash Click Design Using House Of Quality

Julian Robecca, S.T. M.T

The purpose of this research is to design bags as garbage bags used by mountain climbers who usually use plastic bags to store their trash. This garbage bag is called click trash. To ensure that trash clicks as produced trash bags will meet the needs of mountain climbers, product design is carried out using the concept of Quality Function Deployment in the form of a matrix shaped house called the House of Quality. This matrix changes the customer's voice directly to the specifications of the bag produced, from the questionnaire distribution 30 statements were obtained. Of these 30 statements, twelve technical characteristics were established in response to the needs of climbers which would influence the design of the specifications of the trash as a garbage bag. The click rubbish design made by referring to the technical characteristics produced so that the click rubbishes specifications fit the needs of mountain climbers. The results of the design of this bag are expected to meet the needs of mountain climbers as a place to transport rubbish during climbing activities because of its beneficial that easy to use, more practical, can be used repeatedly, and to prevent leaving the trash in the mountaint.
Nama Prosiding

Volume 662 Nomor 2


