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Scale Invariant Feature Transform Descriptor Robustness Analysis To Brightness Changes Of Robowaiter

Taufiq Nuzwir Nizar, M.Kom, M.T

The purpose of this research is to identify problem detection features in computer vision that are affected by changes in brightness. The presented descriptor is Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). The method used in this study is an algorithm in computer vision to detect and describe local feature in image which robustly identify object and invariant to uniform scaling, orientation, brightness changes, and partially invariant to affine distortion. We implement this algorithm to Robowaiters object detection system that must detect and recognize objects around its task like food, beverage, refrigerator, and any kitchen objects. For this analysis case, we use beverage box image for sample image. The algorithm detects and recognize the image in normal brightness, and then the image brightness value increased and decreased. The result is that the algorithm successfully detects and recognizes the object presented and distinguishes it with a success rate of 93.5% increase in image brightness and 95.5% decrease in image brightness. it can be concluded that the SIFT algorithm is robust enough to change the lighting for our case.
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 662 Nomor 05200




Implementation Of Micro Services Architecture On Comrades Backend

Taryana Suryana, ST., M.Kom Adam Mukharil Bachtiar, S.Kom., M.T. Eko Budi Setiawan, S.Kom., M.T

This research aims to increase the scalability and maintainability of Comrades backend. The experimental method that was used in this research is Domain-Driven Design. Applying Domain-Driven Design, Comrades backend will have more scalable and high-level scalability architecture, namely, microservices architecture. The result of this research is a new model of backend architecture and a prototype to measure the performances of this new model. To achieve this result, the transformation of architecture from monolithic into several context and implementation of the context to be microservices architecture are the main steps of this research. Moreover, complete software architecture and infrastructure will be developed as the output of this research. To make it possible, the research uses several technologies including Docker, Kubernetes, and Gateway API. By using this architecture, Comrades developer are able to create Comrades backend more reliable because each functional of Comrades will have their architecture. They can use the services to give a better experience for Comrades users in accessing the features in comrades. For the conclusion, a new model of Comrades backend architecture has more scalable level without any error.
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 662, Issue 2
Volume 662 Nomor -




Analysis Of Benefits From Information Technology As A Creative Marketing Strategies

Assoc. Prof. Wati Aris Astuti, S.E., M.Si,. Ak., CA.

The purpose of this study is to analyze that communication with technology and information systems has many benefits create modern marketing. Social media have become the main pillar in delivering information. Social media can be used to socialize programs and policies, introduce products and social media can be used to community learning. Collecting data method with questionnaires was distributed randomly to social media users. The results of the analysis show that small and medium entrepreneurs claim to be easier to market products through online media and get more customers from online sites. Likewise consumers prefer to buy products they want through social media, because in this era of globalization people tend to use digital communication, they also assume that shopping through online sites has many advantages such as economical, time-saving and practical prices. Of course this is widely used by entrepreneurs. Therefore, social media can be a creative marketing product in entrepreneurship.
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 662 Nomor -





Role Of Information Technology On Entrepreneurship

Tatan Tawami, S.S., M.Hum.

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the Internet, which is part of the real form of development in the era of modernity, played a role in the development of entrepreneurship in Indonesia, both through various applications contained in it, as well as in its use by local Indonesian entrepreneurs in an effort to maximize potential business. The model used in the preparation of this paper is a qualitative approach model with literature study method which emphasizes on data collection done by observation and documentation through data sources in the form of written sources and the Internet as a source of information. Data - data obtained through the literature study is processed by analyzing books that are relevant to the variables to be studied. It is done to obtain a form of narrative which is detailed and in the form of descriptive data that is presented in the presentation of various information that has been obtained. From the results of observations, research, and in-depth analysis through the search for data that can be accounted for found information, the Internet has a large influence in the business world.
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 662 Nomor 3




Implementation Of Rfid Metal Detectors And Missed Calls In The Design Of Automatic Portals In Housing Complex

Sutono, M.Kom. Selvia Lorena Br Ginting, S.Si., M.T Mochamad Fajar Wicaksono, S.Kom., M.Kom Assoc. Prof. Ir. Syahrul, M.T.

The purpose of this study is to implement multiple sensors for automatic portal access. More and more people who live in housing complexes, especially middle and upper economic circles, are increasingly vulnerable to security systems in housing complexes. This is because the guard officer may not be on guard for 24 hours without stopping. For this reason, an automatic portal system is needed to overcome the security system in the housing complex, so that people living in the housing complex feel comfortable because they are protected from crimes that can occur in the housing complex. The method of this research is field analysis which goes directly to the field to see the current conditions and housing shortages. The results and research are expected to help realize smart housing that has used RFID in its security system. And the expected impact of this research is to be able to realize smart housing that can read information from a small device called a TAG or Transponder (Transmitter and Responder).
Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -




Digitalized University - Value Creation In The Age 4.0

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, MT

The research was purposed at analyzing the influence of digitalization toward value creation in University and to what extent it can be enhanced the competitiveness of university in the age 4.0. A case study was performed in a private university in Bandung, which has shifted from the conventional system to digital system in almost all activities of learning and administration. The methodology used was quantitative method by implementing validity test, reliability tests, and simple linear regression to investigate the influence of digitalized university and its value creation. A series of questionnaires were distributed to 261 respondents and was scored by Likert Scale. Additionally, data retrieval from related division, interview, and literature review were also performed. to complete data. The finding of the result indicated that digitalization contribute to the value creation in the age 4.0. The digitalization in university showed significant influence in all variables measured, which are Teaching learning (TL), Research (R), Management Process (MP), Management of Institutional Information (MII), Organization of IT (OI), IT training and culture (ITC). The findings contribute in providing recommendation for building digitalized university and shifting university management from conventional to digitalized university.
Nama Prosiding

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Volume 1179 Nomor 1





Fingerprint Identification Using Bozorth And Boyer-Moore Algorithm

Sri Supatmi, S.Kom.,M.T., D.Sc Irfan Dwiguna Sumitra, S.Kom., M.Kom. Ph.D

The process of fingerprint identification in the form of a binary image can be performed with a variety of algorithms to matching the fingerprint process. This study aims to determine the time processing for fingerprint detection using Bozorth and Boyer-Moore models. The result showed that both of the models could detection the fingerprint. This paper contribution is to compare and analyze Bozorth and Boyer-Moore algorithms. The comparison is performed by MATLAB simulation. The simulation results Boyer-Moore algorithm has faster identification process. On the other hand, Bozort algorithm has an advantage for identification of effect rotated or space translated fingerprints.
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 66 Nomor 2


