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Application Of Customer Facing And Ecosystem Facing Services To Fulfill Digital Transformation Business Needs

Assoc. Prof. Wati Aris Astuti, S.E., M.Si,. Ak., CA.

The application of Customer Facing and Ecosystem Facing is implied as computerization of customer data. The goal is that the company can understand the needs and expectations of customers so that they can establish good relationships with customers. This study aims to determine the use of Customer Facing and Ecosystem Facing services in the digital transformation business. The research method used is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The benefits of Customer Facing and Ecosystem Facing are technology for business processes / systems that can increase production, with an increase in productivity, there is a decrease in time and costs, so that the company's goal is achieved to get the company's expected profit by using this system to manage customers, salespeople are faster to create and send offers to clients, which allows very fast follow-up without waiting for someone else to provide the information needed for the offer as well as making transactions in CRM.
Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -





Integrated Information System For Customer Care

Assoc. Prof. Wati Aris Astuti, S.E., M.Si,. Ak., CA.

The application of Customer Facing and Ecosystem Facing is implied as computerization of customer data. The goal is that the company can understand the needs and expectations of customers so that they can establish good relationships with customers. This study aims to determine the use of Customer Facing and Ecosystem Facing services in the digital transformation business. The research method used is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The benefits of Customer Facing and Ecosystem Facing are technology for business processes / systems that can increase production, with an increase in productivity, there is a decrease in time and costs, so that the company's goal is achieved to get the company's expected profit by using this system to manage customers, salespeople are faster to create and send offers to clients, which allows very fast follow-up without waiting for someone else to provide the information needed for the offer as well as making transactions in CRM.
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 1158 Nomor -





Analysis Of Company Size And Leverage On Profitability

Assoc. Prof. Wati Aris Astuti, S.E., M.Si,. Ak., CA.

Companies that have a larger size have an effect on increasing profitability and it is expected that with a larger size, it is estimated that the company has the opportunity to attract large amounts of debt compared to small companies because the value of the assets used as collateral is greater and the level of bank confidence. is also higher, while with the use of debt (leverage), the interest paid can reduce income taxed so that profits will increase, and the use of debt can advance the company's assets which will increase the company's profitability. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of company size and leverage on profitability, where firm size is measured by Natural Logarithm (Ln) Total Assets, Leverage is measured by Debt Equity to Ratio (DER) and Profitability is measured by Return On Earning (ROE) at Food and Beverage Sector Industrial Company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study uses secondary data through the Annual Financial Statements obtained from the website and from the website of each company with data collection methods using purposive sampling there are 14 companies from 51 populations of food and beverage manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange. Indonesia period 2016-2019. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression using SPSS ver 21 software. The results show that company size has a significant effect on profitability/Return on Equity (ROE). And leverage (debt to equity ratio) also has a significant effect on profitability/return on equity (ROE).
Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -





Vocational Reforms Increasing Graduates Absorption In The Industry World

Angky Febriansyah, SE.,MM. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Adeh Ratna Komala, SE.,M.Si,CERA

The rise of phenomena related to the disruption of the role of accountants has triggered academic actors to process ingredients so that the continuity of the world of education, especially the accounting study program as a graduate producer, continues. Accounting is a science that is conceptually irreplaceable by machines. Accounting vocational as a study program that seeks to produce graduates who are ready to work or create employment opportunities also needs to make reforms so that the absorption of graduates in the industrial world is more optimal. This study aims to describe cognitively the phenomena that occur in vocational education so that it becomes a reference for the sustainability of accounting vocational in the world of education. The research method used is qualitative research, namely the method by conducting interviews with informants from users of accounting graduates in the city. The data uses triangulation techniques and the data is analyzed inductively. The results showed that vocational was still needed by emphasizing applied accounting scientific skills so that graduates could be easily absorbed by the industrial world.
Nama Prosiding

Proceedings of the 7th Regional Accounting Conference (KRA 2020)
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Project Management And File Management In Multimedia Applications Version Of Actionscript 2.0

Bella Hardiyana, S.Kom, M.Kom Diana Effendi, S.T, M.T

Nama Prosiding

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume - Nomor -





Homonimi Bahasa Indonesia Dan Bahasa Sunda: Materi Pembelajaran Bahasa

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Juanda, M.Pd.

Kajian homonimi sebagian besar membahas makna dalam satu bahasa.Penelitian ini mencoba mengangkat homonimi leksikal dalam dua bahasa yakni bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Sunda. Homonimi dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Sunda ini maksudnya sebuah leksem yang sama dimasukkan ke dalam dua bahasa untuk dicari maknanya. Leksem yang sama tersebut yang ada dalam dua bahasa itu dianalisis perbedaan maknanya. Makna tersebut memiliki perbedaan dalam dua bahasa yang masing-masing makna tersebut tidak bisa ditelusuri sumber maknanya hal ini sebagai langkah awal untuk melihat bahwa leksem yang diambil tidak tertukar dengan polisemi, karena kalau polisemi bisa ditelusuri sumber maknanya dan makna tersebut bisa bermakna untuk dipakai benda lain, bisa untuk digunakan sebagai pengertian yang abstrak, atau karena tanggapan indra, sedangkan homonimi jika ditelusuri sumber maknanya tidak bermuara pada konteks apa pun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk leksem yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Sunda yang memiliki kesamaan bentuk tetapi memiliki makna berbeda. Penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya pembahasan homonimi kebanyakan leksem yang sama dalam satu bahasa dan maknnya pun dalam satu bahasa juga. Kekhasan penelitian ini mencoba melakukan sebuah perbedaan dalam memaknai leksem yang sama tetapi dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Sunda. Homonimi itu sendiri pada umumnya memiliki bentuk yang sama tetapi makna berbeda seperti kata 'paku' yang bermakna tumbuhan dan alat untuk menempelkan sesuatu. perbedaan homonimi dalam penelitian ini contohnya untuk kata 'amis'. Leksem 'amis' ada dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Sunda. Namun, jika dilihat maknanya makna leksem ini memiliki makna yang berbeda. 'amis' dalam bahasa Indonesia bermakna anyir, sedangan makna dalam bahasa Sunda adalah manis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Maksudnya bahwa metode penelitiannya merupakan sebuah pemaparan secara deskriptif mengenai makna yang ditemukan dalam kamus bahasa Indonesia dan kamus bahasa Sunda. Proses penganalisisannya mencari pembuktian atau melihat perbedaan maknanya melalui kajian pustaka dan penelaahan makna melalui makna-makna yang ada di dalam kamus bahasa Indonesia dan kamus bahasa Sunda. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan sebuah warna baru yang berkaitan dengan homonimi yang selama ini kebanyakan kajian homoniminya hanya dalam satu bahasa. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melintas pada homonimi dalam dua bahasa. Dalam hal ini penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dalam dua bahasa yakni bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Sunda. Manfaat hasil penelitian ini bisa digunakan khususnya dalam pembelajaran homonimi, umumnya dalam pembelajaran semantik. Hasil temuan ini bisa dijadikan sebagai pengembangan dari homonimi yang sudah ada sehingga menambah wawasan baru bahwa homonimi bisa terjadi dalam dua bahasa yakni bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Sunda.
Nama Prosiding

Konferensi Tahunan Linguistik Atma Jaya 19
Volume 19 Nomor 1




A Conceptual Modelling Of Digital Contract For Independent Palm Oil Supply Chain Systems

Irawan Afrianto, S.T, M.T

This study aims to develop conceptual models of digital contract management for the independent smallholder oil palm agro-industrial supply chain performance system. Current limitations on price transparency among the palm agro-industry supply chain actors result in large disparities in the profits of the actors in the independent supply chain network. Another problem is the significant difference between the prices set bi-weekly by the government and those received by independent smallholders which range from 15% up 50% during the last two years observation. The method for this study (1) starts with a gap analysis, (2) develops business process analysis using BPMN and (3) designs system requirements using UML. The results obtained from this research will (1) bridge the price transparency between the actors in the independent palm oil supply chain, (2) make contract management more transparent, (3) increase the partnership of farmers, cooperatives and palm oil mills to ensure equality of independent oil palm supply chain actors from upstream to downstream.
Nama Prosiding

13th International Seminar on Industrial and Management (13th ISIEM)
Volume 13 Nomor -




Development Of Down Syndrome Child Assessment Application Prototype

Syahrul Mauluddin, S.Kom, M.Kom Dr. Marliana Budhiningtias Winanti, M.Si, S.Si Imelda Pangaribuan, S.T, M.T

This study aims to develop a prototype of assessment application for children with Down syndrome. This application is to help parents with Down syndrome children in detecting the growth and development of Down syndrome children and making development programs. The development of this application is motivated by the fact that children with Down syndrome have various weaknesses in physical, health and IQ. These weaknesses cause a high risk of developmental delays in children with Down syndrome. Therefore, every parent with Down syndrome child needs to know each stage of their child's development then carry out a child development program to prevent delays in their child's development. In developing the assessment application for children with Down syndrome, a prototype model system development method is used with an object-oriented approach. Activities in this research are database design, interface design, and build assessment of children with Down syndrome applications. Presence od Down syndrome child assessment application, hopefully can help parents of Down syndrome children in detecting the development of their child's development so that it is known whether or not there is a delay in their child's development. In addition, parents can also make a child development program followed by making a daily record of the process and results of implementing their child's development program, so that their child's growth and development can be monitored and become evaluation material for further development programs.
Nama Prosiding

The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021) Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
Volume - Nomor -




An Android-Based Covid Case Monitoring Application Using A Geographic Information System To Educate The Public To Be More Aware Of Covid-19 Spreads

Dr. Rizki Zulfikar, SE., M.Si

Nama Prosiding

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1158 (1), 012009
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