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Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan Dengan Menerapkan Marketplace Bagi Pelaku Umkm Di Masa Pandemi Covid- 19

Assoc. Prof. Wati Aris Astuti, S.E., M.Si,. Ak., CA. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Adeh Ratna Komala, SE.,M.Si,CERA

This research was conducted by collecting research data to find out how much influence the marketplace has on increasing sales volume for MSME actors during the covid 19 pandemic. The method used for this research is descriptive and verification method with a quantitative approach, by distributing questionnaires to MSME actors in Bandung City. The population in this analysis is MSMEs registered at the Bandung City Chamber of Commerce. The sample in this study amounted to 129 SMEs. The data analysis method using SPSS version 23.0 was then used to test the validity, reliability, classical assumptions, path analysis and hypothesis testing using t-test. The results of hypothesis testing in this study indicate that by implementing a marketplace application, it can increase sales volume for MSME actors during the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Bandung
Nama Jurnal

JRA (Jurnal Riset Akuntansi)
Volume 14 Nomor 2





Penentuan Penularan Covid-19 Berdasarkan Gejala Kandidat Covid-19 Memanfaatkan Algoritma Naïve Bayes

Dr. Yeffry Handoko Putra, S.T, M.T Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rahma Wahdiniwaty, Dra.,M.Si.

Indonesia mengalami penularan covid-19 sejak awal tahun 2019 dan untuk mengatasinya pemerintah Indonesia memilih cara mitigasi dengan memberlakukan sistem pembatasan sosial (PSBB) dan kemudian diganti dengan pembaasan aktivitas (PPKM darurat dan PPKM Level 4). Mitigasi dilakukan karena sampai saat ini belum jelas gejala pasti yang menandai seseorang tertular Covid-19. Namun pada penelitian ini ingin dicoba untuk mengatasi dari sisi pencegahan yaitu dengan menentukan seberapa besar gejala-gejala dari pasien yang bisa menjadi gejala kandidat untuk Covid-19. Penentuan gejala kandidat ini dilakukan dengan memilih gejala dominan dan prioritas gejala melalui survei di beberapa puskemas di Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Sedangkan relasi pasangan gejala kandidat terhadap penularan Covid-19 dilakukan mempergunakan algoritma Naïve Bayes. Hasil dari perhitungan data uji untuk model usulan ini diperolah akurasi sebesar 85% dan AUC sebesar 0,878 yang menunjukkan model usulan untuk penularan Covid-19 dengan empat gejala kandidat sudah memenuhi klasifikasi baik. Model usulan ekperimental ini bisa menjadi alternatif sebelum pihak pemerintah yang berwenang dengan kesehatan belum mengumumkan kepastian gejala-gejala apa saja yang menjadi gejala pasti yang menandai seseorang tertular Covid-19
Nama Jurnal

Volume 12 Nomor 1




Modelling Of Antenna Open Half Lamda Using Automatic Antenna Plotter Detector Testing At Uhf Broadcast Frequency

Budi Herdiana, S.T., M.T.

Dipole antennas are quite popular in various research in the field of antenna technology. Many models and modifications have been made to obtain optimal performance according to the application field. Of the many models of this antenna, it turns out that not many of this type of antenna has the same function as a transmitting and receiving antenna. Therefore, the aim to be achieved in this research is to model a half-wavelength open UHF dipole antenna to work well on UHF broadcast frequency allocation. The method to realize this is using a comparative test approach, which begins with designing a physical model of the antenna, then it is tested by an antenna plotter detector automatically, the result is a visualization of the shape of the antenna radiation pattern. From this radiation pattern, the gain angle area, transmit power, receiving power, and Return Loss will be seen. Based on the test results, the maximum transmit power of each antenna is 121 mWatt and the received power is 97 mWatt with a return loss value of -18.78 dB at the broadcast UHF frequency of 428.5 MHz.
Nama Jurnal

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC)
Volume 17 Nomor 5


