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Analisis Data Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Untuk Meningkatkan Potensi Pemasaran Universitas Menggunakan Business Intelligence (Studi Kasus Universitas Xyz)

Bobi Kurniawan S, ST.,M.Kom

Kegiatan penerimaan mahasiswa baru merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting bagi universitas. Seiring berjalannya sistem operasional penerimaan mahasiswa yang ada, maka data penerimaan mahasiswa menjadi bertambah banyak dari tahun ke tahun. Data penerimaan tersebut belum dimanfaatkan oleh pihak universitas dalam pengambilan keputusan strategis, potensi pemasaran, dan pertimbangan undangan jalur penerimaan melalui akademik. Maka, untuk membantu dalam pengolahan data penerimaan mahasiswa baru tersebut, pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan dan analisis data penerimaan mahasiswa baru menggunakan tahapan pada business intelligence. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini meliputi tahapan pengambilan data sumber, proses extraction, transform, dan loading (ETL), serta pembuatan grafik data hasil analisis. Dalam pengolahan data penerimaan mahasiswa baru digunakan algoritma time series untuk menganalisis data mahasiswa baru dari tahun ke tahun. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menerapkan business intelligence pada data penerimaan mahasiswa baru untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dapat mendukung kebijakan pada tingkat universitas dalam mendukung potensi pemasaran. Informasi yang didapatkan yaitu meliputi sebaran kota dan provinsi asal mahasiswa, program studi dan fakultas pilihan mahasiswa. Dengan analisis dan rancangan pada data penerimaan mahasiswa baru diharapkan dapat membantu mendukung keputusan manajemen di tingkat universitas terkait potensi pemasaran untuk universitas setiap tahun.
Nama Jurnal

Infotronik : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Elektronika
Volume 4 Nomor 1




Use Of Smartapps For Administrative Service Based Paperless System

Bobi Kurniawan S, ST.,M.Kom

This study aims to streamline the use of information systems in supporting the reduction in the use of paper media as/for administrative services. Smartapps is an integrated information system or one-door service aimed at providing information service related to administration including correspondence, attendance checks, and attendance report printing. Paperless is a method used to reduce paper use by storing documents and data digitally and stored in digital storage. The Smartapps system is used to address/ease mail administration services, check attendance, and attendance reports that still use paper media. The results obtained are to facilitate correspondence services, check attendance, and attendance reports by reducing paper use or paperless systems. With the Smartapps system, manual activities in correspondence, attendance checking, and attendance reports can reduce several stages of administrative services, so that services can be made effective with a 50% effectiveness rate. This reduction in manual stages results in speed, reliability and effectiveness of administrative services.
Nama Jurnal

International Conference on Informatics, Engineering, Science, and Technology (INCITEST 2019)
Volume 662 Nomor 2




Traffic-Related Air Pollution Implication On Environment And Economics

Dr. Senny Luckyardi, M.M.

The objective of the study was to identify the effects of traffic-related air pollution on environmental and economic conditions and quality based on the parameters particulate matter with sizes of 10 μm (PM10), particulate matter with sizes of 2.5 μm (PM2.5), particulate matter with sizes of 1 μm (PM1), carbon dioxide (CO2), and carbon monoxide(CO). In conducting this study, we measured the parameters (CO, CO2, PM1, PM2.5, and PM10) in one day with a specific vulnerable time and also counted the number of vehicles that passed at the same time as a study in that period. The study is conducted in one of the strategic locations in the city of Bandung. Based on the study conducted, it is shown that Dipatiukur, Bandung, has a high level of air pollution even though it was still below the threshold. Implications for the environment and the economy, namely, the air quality around the location, had decreased due to service activities, population density, and overcrowding of transportation throughout the study period. The study concluded that there needs to be a policy in environmental management, especially for the availability of a wider green open space, because it was based on consideration of study locations that were central to service and density of transportation and residents in the city of Bandung. Then, there needed to be a community contribution to preserving the surrounding environment.
Nama Jurnal

Journal Engineering and Research
Volume 201 Nomor -





Implementation Of Micro Services Architecture On Comrades Backend

Taryana Suryana, ST., M.Kom Adam Mukharil Bachtiar, S.Kom., M.T.

This research aims to increase the scalability and maintainability of Comrades backend. The experimental method that was used in this research is Domain-Driven Design. Applying Domain-Driven Design, Comrades backend will have more scalable and high-level scalability architecture, namely, microservices architecture. The result of this research is a new model of backend architecture and a prototype to measure the performances of this new model. To achieve this result, the transformation of architecture from monolithic into several context and implementation of the context to be microservices architecture are the main steps of this research. Moreover, complete software architecture and infrastructure will be developed as the output of this research. To make it possible, the research uses several technologies including Docker, Kubernetes, and Gateway API. By using this architecture, Comrades developer are able to create Comrades backend more reliable because each functional of Comrades will have their architecture. They can use the services to give a better experience for Comrades users in accessing the features in comrades. For the conclusion, a new model of Comrades backend architecture has more scalable level without any error.
Nama Jurnal

Volume - Nomor 662




Bentuk Dan Fungsi Ragam Hias Bunga Melati Pada Arsitektur Candi

Dina Fatimah, M.Ds, S.Ds

Ragam hias atau ornamen bertujuan untuk mengisi kekosongan pada bidang permukaan sebuah benda. Ragam hias merupakan salah satu identitas yang melekat pada artefak kebudayaan Indonesia (salah satunya pada candi). Terdapat berbagai jenis ragam hias yang ada di Indonesia adalah akibat dari beragamnya ras, agama dan kebudayaan. Ragam hias pada candi dengan relief non-cerita terbagi menjadi empat yaitu ragam hias geometris, fauna, flora yang didalamnya terdapat bentuk sulur, bunga mawar, melati dan matahari, serta ragam hias kombinasi. Dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif, penulis melakukan observasi, menemukan peran, bentuk dan fungsi ragam hias bunga melati pada bangunan candi. Ragam hias pada candi dengan bentuk melati dikombinasikan dengan ragam hias geometris. Ragam hias melati merupakan ragam hias non-struktural, melambangkan kesucian yang terdapat pada kaki.
Nama Jurnal

Waca Cipta Ruang : Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior
Volume 2 Nomor 5





Perancangan Alat Bantu Praktik Arm Robot Pada Penggunaan Teaching Pendant Dengan Pendekatan Value Engineering

Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Yani Syafei, M.T, CSBA.

Controlling robot use a Teaching Pendant to communicate between users and arm robot. Teaching Pendant has a weight of about 1,250 kg. Left hand is used to handle teh Teaching Pendant and the on/off of motor o the arm robot. And the right hand is used as an operator in pressing the drive button in the Teaching Pendant. The position of users is stand when practicing controlling robot. The user feels some of the pain in the left hand, right hand and waist when using the Teaching Pendant. Based on the problem, I propose for tool to hold the Teaching Pendant. The method that use is the Value Engineering approach, making FAST diagrams for determining the function of the tools, and Nordic Body map to obtain the real data of pain. Respondent are users of Teaching Pendant. The result was 67,98% feel the pain because using the Teaching Pendant. The function of the tool that has been made is to hold the Teaching Pendant, using hollow iron for the materials. Tool testing was carried out with the same respondents, and they must fill the Nordic Body Map after they used the tool. The result of using this tool are able to reduce the total pain by 36,36% from the total pain in the beginning.
Nama Jurnal

JIE Scientific Journal on Research and Application of Industrial System
Volume 4 Nomor 2