Path Planning Algorithm Using the Hybridization of the Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree and Ant Colony Systems


Muhammad Aria Rajasa Pohan, M.T


This paper proposes a path planning algorithm using the hybridization of the rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) and ant colony system (ACS) algorithms. The RRT algorithm can quickly generate paths. However, the resulting path is suboptimal. Meanwhile, the ACS algorithm can generate the optimal path from the suboptimal previous path information. Then, the proposed algorithm will combine the advantages of RRT with the ACS algorithm. Therefore, it can reach the optimal value with a good convergence speed. We call this proposed algorithm the RRT-ACS algorithm. This study developed a new method for hybridizing the RRT and ACS algorithms for path planning problems. This hybridization process is carried out using one of the ACS principles: the pseudorandom proportional rule. The performance of the proposed algorithm with the RRT*, informed RRT*, RRT*-connect, and informed RRT*-connect algorithms is tested with several benchmark cases. The test results from benchmark case tests with known optimal values indicate that the proposed algorithm has succeeded in achieving those optimal values. Furthermore, statistical tests have also been carried out to verify whether there is a significant difference in performance between the RRT-ACS algorithm and the existing algorithms. The test and statistical analysis results show that the RRT-ACS algorithm has good performance and convergence speed. We also discuss the stability, robustness, convergence, and rapidity of the RRT-ACS algorithm. The results indicates that the RRT-ACS algorithm may be used in applications that require fast and optimal path planning algorithms such as robots and autonomous vehicles.

Detail Publikasi Jurnal

Penelitian Induk: Fast Algorithm for Shortest and Simple Pathfinding with Implementation in UNIKOM Campus
Jenis Publikasi:Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi
Jurnal:IEEE Access
Halaman: -
Tanggal Terbit:2021-11-13
DOI: -