Nata De Coco Material Monitoring System Using Internet of Things


Bobi Kurniawan S, ST.,M.Kom Sopian Alviana, S.Kom., M.Kom


The purpose of this research is to create a monitoring system for the solutionmixing process used to manufacture Nata de Coco using the Internet of Things. Nata de Coco's manufacturing process usually mixes coconut water solution with vinegar and seed solution. The mixing process is usually used with manual measurement. In the mixing process, the makers usually only measure the amount of the solution mixture regardless of the final result and the effect of temperature and acidity levels for the ingredients. This can lead to the failure of the mixing process for the Nata de Coco solution. Therefore, in order for the mixing process to be controlled and to improve the quality and success rate of the mixture, it takes a system that can monitor the mixing process and the result of mixing the manufacture of Nata de Coco. The method used in the creation of this monitoring system refers to the prototype method with the stages of communication, quick planning, model design, prototype building, and system usage. The result of this study is a system that can perform the process of mixing Nata de Coco material solution that can be monitored in realtime in order to produce an excellent product with a good acidity level that is with a value of 3.5 to 7.5. With a good acidity value, it can produce good quality Nata De Coco.

Detail Publikasi Jurnal

Penelitian Induk: Nata De Coco Material Monitoring System Using Internet Of Things
Jenis Publikasi:Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi
Jurnal:Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC)
Halaman:267 - 274
Penerbit:School of Engineering, Taylor’s University
Tanggal Terbit:2022-02-22
DOI: -