Developing Information System of Population


Tatik Rohmawati, S.IP.,M.Si


This research aims to develop information systems in the population administration section in Pahlawan subdistrict in Palembang to facilitate the collection of the population in the subdistrict quickly and accurately. To support the research, we use qualitative methods in descriptions and interviews with several subdistrict employees. The result analysis shows that in Pahlawan subdistrict still uses Information System in Microsoft Excel to record population data; it has not been automated and slow in adding, changing, or deleting data and other population data collections. This study shows that the development of the Visual Studio Information System can provide many conveniences in processing population data. The conclusion of this study is that by creating a population administration information system, the processing of population data such as family card data, birth data, death data, and moving data can be done more quickly and accurately because the data input can be connected well and the data is stored centrally in the database and can facilitate in making population reports based on data that has been inputted into the information system. The impact of this research resulted in a design of an information system that is expected to be used and help Pahlawan subdistrict in recording population data as a useful source of information for decision making in government, especially for Pahlawan subdistrict to be more effective and efficient.

Detail Publikasi Jurnal

Penelitian Induk: -
Jenis Publikasi:Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi
Jurnal:IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Halaman:12014 -
Penerbit:IOP Publishing
Tanggal Terbit:2021-06-01
DOI: -