Augmented Reality at Gedung Sate Museum: Bring The Past To The Present


Ryanty Derwentyana Nazhar, M.Ds


The purpose of this study is to collect and explain the importance of applying Augmented reality technology to museums to increase the visitors' space experience. The method used is descriptive qualitative, which is supported by a literature review. The author will collect the various advantages of using augmented reality technology in museums with visitors' experience when this technology is seen from previous studies. The Cultural History Museum is a facility that presents cultural heritage. These artifacts and cultural heritage are sometimes presented in incomplete form, and historical stories are sometimes written or told in a rather dull form. AR is a technology that can be a solution so that cultural heritage and artifacts from the past can be presented in a more interactive and fun form. Gedung Sate Museum is one of the museums that uses AR technology for one of its exhibition spaces, discussed in this paper. From observations, there are two kinds of spaces enjoyed by visitors, namely the actual exhibition space and the virtual space presented on the screen. When a visitor looks at the screen, what is visible is an enhanced visual. The situation from the past is represented in a visual form that is combined with the actual state of space to present the past presented on a virtual screen and support from the atmosphere of the room, which is also essential to evoke emotions, memories, and thoughts of visitors. The results of this study can be used to add references to the application of Augmented

Detail Publikasi Jurnal

Penelitian Induk: -
Jenis Publikasi:Jurnal Internasional
Jurnal:The 4th International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities 2021
Halaman: -
Penerbit:Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Tanggal Terbit:2021-11-20
DOI: -