Design of Information System Human Resource Management


Windi Novianti, SE.,MM


The purpose of this research is to design an information system for managing human resources in order to make it easier for managers to plan or make decisions. This study used qualitative research methods. The result was to design a web-based human resource management information system that made the management of human resources easier and faster. The human resource management information system allows employees who work outside the office to be able to do attendance remotely and managers can manage data on the attendance of existing employees.


Design of Information System Human Resource ManagementProsiding Internasional-
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Detail Penelitian

Program Studi: AKUNTANSI - S1
Jenis Litabmas:Penelitian Dasar
Skim Litabmas:-
Kategori Bidang Litabmas:Social Sciences
Bidang Litabmas:Economics
Kategori Tujuan Sosial Ekonomi:Economic Framework
Tujuan Sosial Ekonomi:Management and Productivity Issues
Kelompok Bidang:-
Tahun Usulan:2019
Tahun Pelaksanaan:2019
Tahun Pelaksanaan Ke-:1
Tahun Kegiatan:2019
Lama Kegiatan (dalam tahun):1
Lokasi Kegiatan:-