Industry 4.0 in Electronics and Automotives Sectors and Its Prospect for Indonesia Economic Diplomacy


Sylvia Octa Putri, S.IP.,M.I.Pol


This paper demonstrates how the Industry 4.0 which is to digitalize and connect the industry can unlock the country from several economic challenges and have potentials contribute for Indonesia's economic diplomacy achievement. The research method was a qualitative approach, which data collection technique was conducted through literature review and interviews with informants, including practitioners and experts in related fields. The result of this paper shows Industry 4.0 roadmap through Making Indonesia 4.0 increasingly connecting the digital world with the industrial sector and changing the Indonesia economy to become a digital economy. Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap in electronic and automotive sectors can contribute greatly to the export growth, opening up new markets and attracting investment in Indonesia. Making Indonesia 4.0 roadmap enhancing the competitiveness of national industries and contribute for Indonesia's economic diplomacy achievement as the top 10th world, economic powers and the welfare of society.


Industry 4.0 in Electronics and Automotives Sectors and Its Prospect for Indonesia Economic DiplomacyProsiding Internasional-
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Detail Penelitian

Jenis Litabmas:Penelitian Dasar
Skim Litabmas:-
Kategori Bidang Litabmas:Social Sciences
Bidang Litabmas:Policy and Political Sciences
Kategori Tujuan Sosial Ekonomi:Economic Framework
Tujuan Sosial Ekonomi:Macroeconomics Issues
Kelompok Bidang:-
Tahun Usulan:2018
Tahun Pelaksanaan:2018
Tahun Pelaksanaan Ke-:1
Tahun Kegiatan:2018
Lama Kegiatan (dalam tahun):1
Lokasi Kegiatan:-