E-Wallet Effects on Community Behavior


Dr Raeni Dwisanty, S.E., M.SI


The purpose of this study is to discuss the effect of using E-Wallet on people's lives. This research used a qualitative research method because this study describes the events that are taking place in the present. The results of this study show how much influence the E-Wallet on community behavior, which ultimately the community experienced many changes one of which is a change in consumer behavior in daily life. Nowadays, social life cannot be separated from information system technology, where technology has entered into all aspects of social life. As for the background of this writing is the number of a startup that develops and offers E-Wallet information system technology to the public as a substitute for wallets and cash. With a variety of business strategies that startups have done, this E-Wallet is easily accepted by the general public.


E-Wallet Effects on Community BehaviorProsiding Internasional-
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Detail Penelitian

Program Studi: MANAJEMEN - S1
Jenis Litabmas:Penelitian Dasar
Skim Litabmas:-
Kategori Bidang Litabmas:Social Sciences
Bidang Litabmas:Economics
Kategori Tujuan Sosial Ekonomi:Economic Framework
Tujuan Sosial Ekonomi:Management and Productivity Issues
Kelompok Bidang:-
Tahun Usulan:2020
Tahun Pelaksanaan:2020
Tahun Pelaksanaan Ke-:1
Tahun Kegiatan:2020
Lama Kegiatan (dalam tahun):1
Lokasi Kegiatan:-