Strategy for Minimizing Tech Talent Turnover Through the Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plan


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ir. Herman S. Soegoto, MBA.


This research aims to formulate a strategy for minimizing tech talent turnover by implementing the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) system. The method used in this research is a qualitative method and uses data analysis techniques, namely multiple linear regression using SPSS software. The results of this research have potential implications for organizations looking to reduce tech talent turnover. By implementing the ESOP system, organizations can potentially increase job satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn can reduce turnover. However, the research has shown that stock ownership benefits are not as attractive as cash or instant benefits. Therefore, organizations should consider offering a combination of both stock ownership benefits and cash or instant benefits in order to maximize the impact of their talent retention strategy. Additionally, organizations should consider implementing other strategies, such as providing a comprehensive wellness program, offering flexible work arrangements, and providing career development opportunities, to further reduce tech talent turnover



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Detail Penelitian

Jenis Litabmas:Penelitian Dasar
Skim Litabmas:-
Kategori Bidang Litabmas:Social Sciences
Bidang Litabmas:Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services
Kategori Tujuan Sosial Ekonomi:Commercial Services
Tujuan Sosial Ekonomi:Finance, Property and Business Service
Kelompok Bidang:Pendidikan Ekonomi
Tahun Usulan:2023
Tahun Pelaksanaan:2023
Tahun Pelaksanaan Ke-:1
Tahun Kegiatan:2023
Lama Kegiatan (dalam tahun):1
Lokasi Kegiatan:Bandung