Media Attention for Jerusalem Declaration: A Comparative Discourse Analysis on International Online Newspapers


Muhammad Rayhan Bustam, S.S., M.Hum.


This study examines the discourse strategies used in the news headings in representing the social actors related to the case of Donald Trump’s declaration to Jerusalem as Israel Capital. The study employs Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to analyze the representation of political social actors in the case. In addition, it also describes the linguistic realization of the strategies and the function of strategies use in representing the actors. Three international online newspapers are chosen systematically as representative media which released the news related to the case; the newspapers are: CNN News, The Guardian, and Al Jazeera. The study uses the theory of representation of social actors put forward by Theo van Leeuwen (2008). The theory involves a socio-semantic network of social actors. In the network, it is presented two main divisions, exclusion (process of omitting actors) and inclusion (process of presenting social actor(s) in a representation). The results show that there are some different techniques and discourse strategies in presenting the representation of political social actors related to the case. Thus, it can be concluded that the different representation used by each media is because of its own ideology and its believe in framing the case.

Detail Prosiding

Penelitian Induk: Media Attention for Jerusalem Declaration: A Comparative Discourse Analysis on International Online Newspapers
Jenis Publikasi:Prosiding Internasional
Jurnal:Proceedings International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences & Humanities (ICOBEST) 2019
Halaman:131 - 134
Penerbit:Atlantis Press
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