Web-Based Information System of Baby Data Management of Integrated Service Post (Posyandu)


Andri Sahata Sitanggang, S.Kom., M.Kom


Integrated Service Post or Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (Posyandu), as a community service facility, requires a computerized support facility. It can help manage baby data and help parents monitor their baby's growth. This research uses a descriptive method. While the method of data collection uses observation and interviews for primary data and collection of documents needed for secondary data. The development method used is prototype. The results of this research is a website that can be used as supporting facilities in managing baby data and helping parents monitor baby's growth. The system created displays a chart of baby's weight and height. Suggestions that can be given are the need for additional systems for managing data for pregnant women and the elderly.

Detail Publikasi Jurnal

Penelitian Induk: -
Jenis Publikasi:Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi
Jurnal:International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
Halaman:28 - 32
Penerbit:Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
Tanggal Terbit:2019-04-04
URL: https://www.ijrte.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v7i6s5/F10050476S519.pdf
DOI: -