Speed Control of A mobile Robot Using Fuzzy Logic Controller


Rodi Hartono, M.T., Ph.D. Taufiq Nuzwir Nizar, M.Kom, M.T


Applying a speed control system to a mobile robot needs to be done to make the robot move stably in an uneven environment with the variation of load. This study purpose is to designed a speed control system for a mobile robot to follow setpoints with a fast response to reach a predetermined speed. The speed controller used the fuzzy logic control method. The input is a speed error and the change in speed error is known from an encoder sensor and the output of the system is pulse width modulation (PWM) in the range of 8-bit converted to fuzzy forms. The rule formation and rule analysis with its implication function use the MIN function and defuzzification use the weighted average method. By implementing this fuzzy control the results of the robot move at the speed corresponding to the setpoint both on flat or uneven terrain, with load or without load. In experiments carried out on robots with a setpoint of 9,000 rpm from rest, the response time (in rise-time) is less than 47ms and steady-state error close to zero.

Detail Publikasi Jurnal

Penelitian Induk: Perancangan dan Implementasi Robomagellan (Jelajah-V18).
Jenis Publikasi:Jurnal Internasional
Jurnal:IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Halaman:22063 -
Penerbit:IOP Publishing Ltd
Tanggal Terbit:2019-11-20
URL: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/662/2/022063
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/662/2/022063