Pembuatan Sistem Infromasi Lapor Mandiri COVID-19 Di Lingkungan Pendidik


Bobi Kurniawan S, ST.,M.Kom Sopian Alviana, S.Kom., M.Kom


This research aims at facilitating the recording of employees and lecturers in the UNIKOM campus environment, who are infected with Covid-19. Using the UNIKOM Covid-19 Task Force Information System, recording and reporting will be more efficient and safer, and there is a more accurate tracing process compared to manual recording. In this research, the development of the system used the system development life cycle (SDLC) waterfall method and descriptive analysis. The results of this study are in the form of websites that can help the data input process or self-reporting of employees and lecturers infected with COVID-19 especially in the UNIKOM environment only.

Detail Abdimas

Program Studi: TEKNIK ELEKTRO - S1
Outcome:Menjadikan system lapor mandiri covid ini sebagai sebuah system yang dapat membantu satuan tugas dalam melakukan penelusuran dan potensi pencegahan penyebaran virus secara cepat khusunya di instansi tersebut.
Tanggal Pelaksanaan: -
Jenis Abdimas:Kegiatan Non Insidental (1-6 bulan)
Kategori Kegiatan:Melaksanakan pengembangan hasil pendidikan, dan penelitian yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat/ industri. Tiap program