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The Internet Of Thing (Iot) Impact On Global Security

Dr. Dewi Triwahyuni, M.Si, S.IP

The purpose of this study is analyze from the perspectives political science and international relations the role of this emerging technology in global affairs, especially on the potential strategic impact of the IoT impact on Global Security. The Internet of Things (IoT) will impact every area of Global Affairs from security to business to international development and aid. As objects, data, systems and people become part of this global interconnected network, business models, stakeholder interaction, systems of governance and security threats will irrevocably change. Governments, not-for-profit organizations and business will have no choice but to innovate, optimize and incorporate an increasingly disparate array of digital touchpoints when engaging with stakeholders, assessing threats and collaborating with partners. This is not a technological problem; it is a strategic issue that has no tool or program that will solve the problems that this technology will bring. To answer the problem of research, researcher use qualitative research design. Researchers use primary sources in the form of official state documents and secondary sources in the form of interviews with experts, through journals, dissertations and related research. The results of the study found that the massive development of IoT creates information vulnerability that threatens national security as well as global security.
Nama Prosiding

International Conference on Bussiness, Economics, Social Sciences & HUmanities
Volume 3 Nomor -




E-Commerce, The Digital Trend In Transaction

Assoc. Prof. Wati Aris Astuti, S.E., M.Si,. Ak., CA.

Nama Prosiding

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume - Nomor -





Design Of Learning Media, Web-Based Geography Learning (Case Study Of Class Xi Department Of Social Sciences At Citra Nusa High School) &Quot;

Wahyuni, S.Si, M.T Iyan Gustiana, M.Kom Novrini Hasti, S.Si, M.T.

Learning about geography is very important for students to learn. By knowing the geographical layout, students can find out various kinds of natural resources produced by a place or location. Limited time to explore each topic is also a problem that must be faced to improve their understanding of geography subjects. This research used descriptive qualitative method by collecting detailed, in-depth and actual data. This method is derived from knowledge and facts found in the field. Interactive learning has the potential to create a high-quality learning environment that actively engages students, hopefully increasing interest in understanding better thus the target can be achieved by the teacher. The resulting application can be a good choice for delivering learning material as well as for generating interest in learning as well as students' understanding of geography subject matter so as to enhance student achievement. The information obtained by students is very important so students realize that Indonesia is a producer of many natural resources. The form of development this application is to assist students in understanding the concept of learning material that is presented interactively by the system and is able to understand about all the natural resources produced at that location.
Nama Prosiding

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume - Nomor 879




Design For Human Safety And Health In Manufacturing System

Iyan Andriana, S.T., M.T.

Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -





Digital Wallet As A Transaction Media In The Community

Trustorini Handayani, S.E.,M.Si

Nama Prosiding

Volume - Nomor -



