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Design Of The Information System For Kindergarten Learning Evaluation Used Kanban Methodology

Mia Fitriawati, S.Kom.,M.Kom.

This study aims to produce an information system design that helps educators to evaluate learning in each semester systematically and easily accessible. Learning evaluation aims to determine the growth and development of students and see the success of the learning plan. 2013 curriculum is a curriculum that is currently being used by early childhood education. Therefore, it is necessary to design a kindergarten learning evaluation system to then create an information system for learning evaluation for kindergartens that helps teachers know the abilities of their students. The design of this system used descriptive research methods and information system design development methods that use the Kanban methodology, where the Kanban method helps design of the information systems for kindergarten learning evaluation for with the aim of harmonizing development in accordance with the wishes of users, educators who are early childhood education teachers directly in system development. The programmer to then be made by the programmer and used by kindergarten teachers later will use the results of this information system design later. The use of the Kanban method in this study makes it easy for programmers to be able to design their information systems.
Nama Jurnal

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 662 Nomor 2




Web-Based Information System Of Baby Data Management Of Integrated Service Post (Posyandu).

Novrini Hasti, S.Si, M.T.

Nama Jurnal

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
Volume 7 Nomor 6




Human Capital And Pathnership Affect The Quality Of Graduates Of Vocational High School Through Organizational Culture

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Isniar Budiarti, S.E., M.Si.

Nama Jurnal

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
Volume 7 Nomor 6





Convolutional Neural Network Untuk Pengenalan Citra Notasi Musik

Dr. Ednawati Rainarli, S.Si., M.Si.

Optical Music Recognition (OMR) adalah suatu cara untuk melakukan pengenalan pada notasi musik secara otomatis. Masalah utama dalam pendeteksian notasi musik adalah bagaimana sistem dapat mendeteksi sebuah notasi musik dan kemudian mengenali notasi musik tersebut. Notasi musik yang telah dikenali oleh mesin dapat dimanfaatkan untuk diproses kembali menjadi suara. Pada penelitian ini, proses segmentasi dilakukan untuk memotong setiap notasi. Untuk pengenalan notasi musik digunakan Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Arsitektur CNN yang dipakai adalah kernel 3x3, jumlah layer pada feature learning sebanyak 3 convolutional layer dan 3 pooling layer, filter pada convolutional layer 64,128, 256 dan jumlah neuron pada hidden layer sebanyak 7168. Pengujian dilakukan dengan dua cara, yang pertama menguji performasi CNN menggunakan data notasi musik yang telah dipotong dan yang kedua adalah melakukan pengujian menggunakan sebaris notasi musik. Nilai akurasi yang didapatkan untuk pengenalan sebaris notasi musik tidak terlalu besar, yaitu 26,19%. Walaupun untuk proses segmentasi masih belum maksimal dalam memotong setiap notasi, namun metode CNN bekerja sangat baik untuk mengenali setiap notasi musik yang telah dipotong dengan benar. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari nilai akurasi yang mencapai 95,56%.
Nama Jurnal
Volume 18 Nomor 3



Speed Control Of A Mobile Robot Using Fuzzy Logic Controller

Rodi Hartono, M.T. Taufiq Nuzwir Nizar, M.Kom, M.T

Applying a speed control system to a mobile robot needs to be done to make the robot move stably in an uneven environment with the variation of load. This study purpose is to designed a speed control system for a mobile robot to follow setpoints with a fast response to reach a predetermined speed. The speed controller used the fuzzy logic control method. The input is a speed error and the change in speed error is known from an encoder sensor and the output of the system is pulse width modulation (PWM) in the range of 8-bit converted to fuzzy forms. The rule formation and rule analysis with its implication function use the MIN function and defuzzification use the weighted average method. By implementing this fuzzy control the results of the robot move at the speed corresponding to the setpoint both on flat or uneven terrain, with load or without load. In experiments carried out on robots with a setpoint of 9,000 rpm from rest, the response time (in rise-time) is less than 47ms and steady-state error close to zero.
Nama Jurnal

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Volume 662 Nomor 02206