Luaran Lain

Daftar Luaran Lain yang dihasilkan oleh Sivitas Akademik Universitas Komputer Indonesia. Termasuk kategori Luaran Lain adalah luaran yang tidak termasuk ke dalam Jurnal, Prosiding, dan Buku

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Data Luaran Lain - Tahun 2017

Menampilkan 10 dari 12 data
Intercultural Academic International Forum, The World Of Innocence. One Space Gallery Wuhan, China

Dr. Taufan Hidayatullah, S.Sn, M.Ds

Karya ilustrasi yang dipamerkan merupakan refleksi dari suatu keinginan dunia yang lebih damai.
Jenis Luaran

Karya Seni

The World Of Innocence

Dina Fatimah, M.Ds, S.Ds

Pada lukisan ini saya menggambarkan bunga aster yang sedang mengembang dan rontok dimakan waktu.
Jenis Luaran

Karya Seni


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rini Maulina, M.Sn, S.Sn

Rancangan Karya Seni Rupa Penari Bali
Jenis Luaran

Karya Seni

Voltage Protector

Sutono, M.Kom.

Listrik merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat penting, ketersediaan listrik tetap harus selalu ada baik dirumah tangga, perkantoran, tempat-tempat umum ataupun industri. Mekanisme stabilizer dalam menjamin fluktuasi listrik terutama yang berada pada wilayah industri merupakan suatu kebutuhan yang sangat diperlukan untuk menjaga keamanan peralatan listrik akibat terjadinya fluktuasi arus listrik yang sewaktu-waktu dapat terjadi. Komparator OpAmp merupakan suatu komponen aktif elektronika yang dapat difungsikan sebagai pembanding tegangan listrik PLN yang sewaktu-waktu mengalami fluktuasi arus listrik dengan tegangan referensi sehingga dapat mengantisipasi bila sewaktu-waktu terjadinya fluktuasi arus listrik yang secara otomatis dapat menghindari kerusakan peralatan listrik akibat hal tersebut.
Jenis Luaran

Karya Seni

Silence Is Gold, Selfie Is Bold?

Dr. Yully Ambarsih Ekawardhani, M.Sn, S.Sn

The work is about ‘selfie’. Lot of people make such an effort to make selfie pictures. Some of them succesfully make good selfie portraits, but some end with disastrous events, even death. This, actually a pathetic activity, because it’s not about the selfie itself but how to gain ‘like’ by impressing person who (became) friends or have no idea who make those picture. The doll is Rochelle Goyle, the daughter of gargoyle, who is agressive and protective. She’s actually a girl with good sense of fashion, due to her origin from France. I made her more traditional, more Indonesian, girl from a village. By picturing her with kebaya and sarong, she look modest. Her hair is braided, an old style hair that become popular again nowadays. She took selfie picture in a high rock mountain, surrounded by morning sky and clouds. Perfect place for contemplating, but for the selfie? The hair and clothes is symbols for sincerety. Since she is bold so she can climb the rock mountain with her wings to take selfie, but for what? This question need to be answered in a deep self consciousness, burst one’s bonds from fragmented minds.
Jenis Luaran

Karya Seni

Modul Kit Pelatihan Dasar Arduno

Jana Utama, M.T, S.T Sutono, M.Kom.

Perancangan Trainner Board Mikrokontroler Arduino ini merupakan pengembangan dari modul pembelajaran yang selama ini sudah berjalan dengan cara manual mulai dari peletakan komponen, menjumper dan memprogram mikrokontroler Arduino. Masalah yang sering terjadi adalah sering kali terjadinya kesalahan dalam memasang kabel power untuk masing-masing komponen, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan komponen seperti modul Arduino, modul sensor, IC dan transistor. Untuk itu semoga dengan adanya modul Perancangan Trainner Board Mikrokontroler Arduino ini, dapat memudahkan para siswa dan guru bidang studi, khususnya di Jurusan Teknik Elektronika Industri, tidak perlu kawatir saat memasang kabel power yang terbalik, karena modul ini telah dilengkapi proteksi dioda bila suatu saat salah menghubungkan kabel power dari modul Arduino Board ke modul Trainner Board Mikroontroler Arduino.
Jenis Luaran


Book Cover Anne The Series Author Lucy Maud Montgomery

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rini Maulina, M.Sn, S.Sn

Karya seni desain ilustrasi buku Anne the series Author Lucy Maud Montgomery yang diterbitkan oleh Mizan Publishing
Jenis Luaran



Nenden Rikma Dewi, M.Hum

Pementasan Drama Adaptasi dari Novel "The Book Thief" Karya Marcus Zusaks.
Jenis Luaran

Karya Seni

When They Are Asleep

Febry Maharlika, M.Sn

The title of my work is "when they are asleep". It is by using a manual drawing technique with watercolor paint media. The object that is in the work is my family, namely mother, niece and the late grandfather. It is the three different generations in the family. This concept arises because I see something different, something pure and it reminds me of the nature of life, when I see someone asleep, especially my own family. In picture 01 "when mother is asleep", she is still holding the TV remote, at that time it is still at 08.00 PM. When her favorite show begins, she is asleep in a sitting position and leaning against the wall. Though, she has been waiting the show all day. Why is she asleep? But it is still at 08.00 PM and she is ready to watch her favorite show. It happens because from dawn she has been up and she has been doing all the housework that never ends. She takes care of us, her children, her husband and her favorite grandson. We eat and have the energy to work because of the cooking that she has made, and certainly other things that can get us to go through our activities normally. When she wakes up, we often disagree about one thing or another. We often argue, we often cry because we are annoyed with each other. But all that, that all feelings, are disappeared when I see her fall asleep. Seeing her while she is asleep makes me think back the way she loved me when I was little. A deep affection of mine, need her and do not want to lose her even for a little while. In picture 02 "when my dearest nephew is asleep". At that time I continue to thank God for giving him in our family. At the same time, there is always a feeling of not losing him in any way. At the same time, it makes me happy, but I am also very fragile because I am afraid to lose him. It is then that I try to pray to God to always take care of this little boy. Seeing his face while he is asleep, makes me pray to God that I am given the strength to protect him from an insecure world. In picture 03 "when my grandfather was asleep". When he was asleep, I saw an exhausted face. Even for breathing, he seemed to need energy. At that moment, when he was asleep, I remembered, when grandfather was still healthy, with his enthusiasm, he told of his struggle as a teenager against the rebels in the Dutch and Japanese colonialism in his hometown. He was very excited about telling the events to his grandchildren, in a loud voice and interspersed with laughter. At that moment the lights in his house were dim, we remembered his face was wrinkled red because of the proud feeling to tell that he had once defended the country against the colonialists. Now he has gone, leaving the world, leaving the country he had defended once, leaving his grandchildren who loved his heroic tale. When my grandfather was asleep, I saw the fighting spirit and pride as a human being who defended his country, once when he still had the strength as a youth.
Jenis Luaran

Karya Seni

Layanan Persebaran Informasi Untuk Pengembangan Industri Kreatif Melalui Keterpaduan Dengan Produk Destinasi Wisata Di Bandung Raya Dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Location Based Service Dan Global Positioning Sistem

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deden Abdul Wahab Sya'roni, Ir.,M.Si

Model persebaran informasi mengenai produk industri kreatif melalui keterpaduan dengan produk destinasi wisata sangat diperlukan di Bandung Raya. Dengan meningkatnya persebaran informasi mengenai produk industri kreatif yang dipadukan dengan produk destinasi wisata dengan memanfaatkan maps dan Location Based Service (LBS) dengan menggunakan Global Positioning System (GPS) maka diharapkan peningkatan skala usaha dan produktivitas usaha di sektor industri kreatif dan pariwisata akan berkembang dan meningkat.
Jenis Luaran

Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG)